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Tel.: 021-51692305
Fax: 021-57745350
Mobile: 13391126359
Email: 314104987@qq.com
Address: 245, Building 2, No. 655, Gaoji Road, Songjiang District, Shanghai (Headquarters)
Factory address: No. 11, Zhonggang Road, Xinzhuang Town, Changshu, Suzhou

How to block the external noise of membrane structure parking shed?


The orientation and orientation of the membrane structure shall be considered first, so as to reduce the noise penetration at the maximum limit. In addition to the orientation of the building, the planning of sound insulation equipment should also be considered to reduce the common noise transmitted on the ground and isolate the noise source from the structure.

In general, every time the interval between the sound source and the building is doubled, the noise will be reduced by 6dB, while the noise can only be reduced by 0.4dB by using the shrubbery barrier, so that it can be ignored.

The number of film layers added to the film structure parking shed, the thickness of the control interlayer and, if necessary, the weight attached to the film layer are all available methods to improve the noise reduction effect. The connection technology of membrane structure needs to be carefully considered to ensure its airtightness and reduce the possibility of air borne noise seeping into the gap. At the same time, ensure that the thermal performance of the building will not be affected when taking these measures.

As with most architectural acoustics, it is very important to separate the noise declared by supporting equipment and other noise sources from the structure.

Finally, careful planning of the indoor sound absorption surface is also important because sound absorption technology helps to reduce the impact of indoor background noise.

Shanghai Shenghao Industrial Co., Ltd

Tel: 400-631-1914, 021-51692305 Fax: 021-57745350 QQ: 314104987

Mail: 314104987@qq.com Address: 245, Building 2, No. 655, Gaoji Road, Songjiang District, Shanghai (Headquarters)

Factory address: No. 11, Zhonggang Road, Xinzhuang Town, Changshu, Suzhou

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