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Your location: Wuyishan Tourism Website > Wuyishan Tourism Strategy > Wuyishan Food Snacks >Stewed Vegetable with Orchid Pavilion

Stewed Vegetable with Orchid Pavilion

http://wuyishan.lvyou114.com     2006-12-19 Thank the member Ma Yazi for providing this information

Main ingredient: 1000g Chinese cabbage Accessories: cabbage, shiitake mushroom, ginger, green vegetables, tomato slices Seasoning: salt, monosodium glutamate, stock Preparation method: blanch the cabbage in the pot, stir fry the ginger slices in the oil pot, add salt, monosodium glutamate and broth to boil, put the cabbage, shiitake mushrooms and green vegetables into the pot, and cook them until they taste good. First, take a large plate of cabbage leaves and stack them one by one, then finally fold the cabbage, like a big bread, and then pour the soup sauce in the pot on the cabbage. Use green vegetables around the edge of the plate, and sprinkle a circle of mushrooms and tomato slices on it Features: soft texture, delicious and refreshing

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