
Liaoning S95 heavy socket head, S115 socket wrench head, spot sale

 Liaoning S95 heavy socket head, S115 socket wrench head, spot sale
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Starting batch ≥ 1 piece
supplier Hebei Jinggong Machine Tool Manufacturing Co., Ltd
Location Botou
Cao Xiaoyu

򈊡򈊣򈊧򈊣򈊡򈊧򈊠򈊩򈊨򈊣򈊡 two hundred and eighty-two million nine hundred and thirty-four thousand four hundred and five 򈊠򈊣򈊡򈊧-򈊡򈊣򈊧򈊣򈊡򈊧򈊠򈊩򈊨򈊣򈊡

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Hebei Jinggong Machine Tool Manufacturing Co., Ltd
  • Registered city: Cangzhou, Hebei
  • Enterprise type: Productive
  • Main business area: Cangzhou
  • Time of establishment: 2007-06-20
  • Qualification: Personal identity is not authenticated Business license not certified Tianyan has been certified Mobile phone has been certified WeChat certified
Details of "Liaoning S95 heavy socket head, S115 socket wrench head, spot sale"
Basic parameters
Cao Xiaoyu
mobile phone
thirteen billion seven hundred and thirty-one million seven hundred and nine thousand eight hundred and thirty-one
Region oriented
Product name
Heavy hexagonal socket, heavy socket head, heavy octagonal socket, thickened heavy socket
key word
Heavy hexagonal socket, heavy socket head, heavy octagonal socket, thickened heavy socket
wechat number
nine hundred and nineteen million eight hundred and fifty-five thousand three hundred and twenty-three
surface treatment
Plastic spraying
Multiple options
texture of material
chisel tool steel
Negotiate in person

Liaoning S95 heavy socket head, S115 socket wrench head, spot sale

Heavy hexagonal sleeves are called heavy sleeves for short. The materials can be divided into ordinary materials and explosion-proof materials. Heavy hexagonal heavy sleeves have strong impact resistance and can not be broken. They are widely used in petroleum, chemical industry, oil refining, petrochemical, machinery maintenance, processing, power generation, shipbuilding Maintenance and overhaul work in metallurgy and other industries. Heavy hexagonal sleeves can be divided into metric system and inch system. Heavy hexagonal sleeves are a kind of special tools. The difference between heavy hexagonal sleeves and ordinary sleeves is that they are mainly applied to the parts requiring tightening force, more solid, and basically used in industrial fields. Ordinary sleeves are used in industry and civil use, and are produced in assembly lines. They are basically standard parts with matching specifications. Heavy sleeves can be made in a single piece, with strong randomness, and can be ordered in small batches. It is very convenient to make standard specifications and non-standard specifications, and English heavy sleeves. In particular, lengthened heavy sleeves are incomparable to ordinary sleeves. Heavy sleeves can be made into lengthened heavy sleeves Octagonal heavy socket, plum blossom heavy socket, heavy socket head matched with pneumatic wrench, heavy socket head of electric wrench and other special specifications and models. The heavy hexagonal sleeve is made of 40CR alloy steel and has been quenched, tempered and blackened,.
All kinds of special-shaped punching sleeves, thickened sleeves and other special-shaped workpieces can be made and processed by our factory according to drawings. Details:
When contacting me, please say that you saw it on the Urumqi Wrench column of Huangye88. com. Thank you!

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  • Heavy hexagonal socket Heavy socket head Heavy octagonal socket Thickened heavy sleeve
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