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Index number: 002482365/2024-00095 Publication date: 2024-04-03
Issued by: Provincial Health Commission Document No.: Zhe Zhong Yi Yao Han [2024] No. 3

Report of Zhejiang Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine on Typical Cases of Comprehensive Reform of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Zhejiang Province

Date of issue: 2024-05-23 15:06 Information source: Provincial Health Commission Number of views:

Municipal health committees and provincial TCM hospitals:

In December 2021, our province was officially approved to build a national demonstration area for comprehensive reform of traditional Chinese medicine. Since the construction, five cities including Hangzhou City and eight counties (cities and districts) including Cangnan County, as the pilot areas for comprehensive reform of traditional Chinese medicine, have achieved phased results in nine major areas, including comprehensive governance of traditional Chinese medicine, digital support, characteristic services, integration of traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine, scientific and technological innovation, talent cultivation, industrial development, cultural communication and cross-border integration, centering on the central task of the national demonstration area for comprehensive reform of traditional Chinese medicine. In March 2024, our bureau will hold a typical case evaluation meeting on the comprehensive reform of traditional Chinese medicine in Zhejiang Province, screen 24 projects, invite experts to comment and score from four dimensions of policy support, achievement value, promotion and demonstration, and expert impression, and put forward project highlights, shortcomings, and improvement suggestions. After evaluation by experts, 6 excellent cases and 18 good cases were finally determined and are hereby notified. All units around the country are invited to actively learn from it, so as to form more replicable and replicable reform experience in terms of system and mechanism reform, service model innovation, promotion and application effect, and further promote the construction of the demonstration area for comprehensive reform of traditional Chinese medicine.

Attachment: 1. List of excellent cases of typical cases of comprehensive reform of traditional Chinese medicine in Sichuan Province

2. List of good cases of typical cases of comprehensive reform of traditional Chinese medicine in the province

Zhejiang Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine

April 3, 2024

(Form of information disclosure: active disclosure)

Annex 1

List of outstanding cases of typical cases of provincial comprehensive reform of traditional Chinese medicine


entry name



The construction of Internet TCM hospital promotes the convenient service of TCM

Hangzhou Municipal Commission of Health


Improve the financial compensation mechanism and stimulate the development vitality of traditional Chinese medicine

Ningbo Municipal Health Commission


Create an Anji model for the targeted training of Chinese medicine teachers, and solve the problem of the shortage of medical personnel of Chinese medicine at the grass-roots level

Huzhou Municipal Health Commission


Build a highland of Vietnamese medical culture, and enable high-quality development of hospitals

Shaoxing Municipal Health Commission


sea salt Focusing on the contracted services of family doctors, integrating TCM services One old and one young

Health Bureau of Haiyan County


Innovative exploration Institute enterprise cooperation New mode of diversified development of traditional Chinese medicine Zhang Shanlei Whole life cycle TCM health system

Lanxi Health Bureau

Annex 2

List of Good Cases of Typical Cases of Comprehensive Reform of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Sichuan Province


entry name



Focusing on the construction of inheritance studio, create a new model of modern learning of traditional Chinese medicine

Hangzhou Municipal Commission of Health


Continuous Canal Context Build a window highland for the dissemination of traditional Chinese medicine culture

Hangzhou Municipal Commission of Health


A group of masters leads a group of disciples Fenghua Mode Activates New Kinetics of TCM Talents Training

Ningbo Municipal Health Commission


Exploration and development of Huzhou City “1+2+N” Urban Chinese medicine health union, vigorously improving the Chinese medicine service capacity of the whole city

Huzhou Municipal Health Commission


Protect the eye health of children and adolescents, and explore the practice of traditional Chinese medicine in campus Changxing

Huzhou Municipal Health Commission


Shaoxing City the Five Powers Strive to be the first Solidly promote the high-quality and balanced development of grass-roots TCM work

Shaoxing Municipal Health Commission


Strengthen health promotion, enrich TCM services, and promote TCM in Quzhou Seasonal clinic

Quzhou Municipal Health Commission


Quzhou speeds up the promotion Yang Jizhou Acupuncture and Moxibustion Inheritance, innovation and industrial development

Quzhou Municipal Health Commission


Cangnan County innovates the model of traditional Chinese medicine teacher succession and unblocks the blocking points of rural common prosperity

Cangnan County Health Bureau

one zero

Industrial integration and agglomeration to promote the development of the whole industrial chain of traditional Chinese medicine

Cangnan County Health Bureau


Sea salt Digital intelligence national medicine To make the whole process of TCM service intelligent

Health Bureau of Haiyan County


Tongxiang City Empowers the Development of Traditional Chinese Medicine with Digitalization

Tongxiang Municipal Health Bureau


Tongxiang Shouhang White Chrysanthemum has a positive effect, creating a new development of Chinese medicine industry

Tongxiang Municipal Health Bureau


Explore institutional reform, reshape and reconstruct the management system of traditional Chinese medicine, and create TCM pay according to efficacy Lanxi model

Lanxi Health Bureau


Protect, inherit, innovate and develop, The Belt and Road Initiative Exchange and Cooperation, Zhu Danxi's Traditional Chinese Medicine Culture Writes a New Chapter

Yiwu Health Bureau


National medicine nourishes national children, and all kinds of herbs nourish childlike innocence

Huangyan District Health Bureau


Strengthen balanced development and promote the cause of regional traditional Chinese medicine

Wenling Health Bureau


Empowering digital intelligence, health and common prosperity, striving to build a model of intelligent service of traditional Chinese medicine

Health Bureau of Songyang County

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