appointment and removal of personnel
Index number: 002482365/2024-00092 Publication date: 2024-04-03
Issued by: Provincial Health Commission Document No.: ZWDF [2024] No. 20

Notice of Zhejiang Provincial Health Commission of the Communist Party of China on the appointment and removal of Xu Xiao and other comrades

Date of issue: 2024-05-23 15:00 Information source: Provincial Health Commission Number of views:

All subordinate units, provincial disease control bureau, provincial family planning association, Hangzhou Medical College, and all departments of the committee:

The Party Committee of the CPC Committee has studied and decided:

Xu Xiao is a member of the Party Committee of Hangzhou Medical College;

Gu Hua was appointed Secretary and Director of the Party Committee of Zhejiang Medical Service Management and Evaluation Center, and was removed from his post as a member of the Party Committee and Vice President of Zhejiang Cancer Hospital (director level);

Sun Jianwei was appointed Director of the System Reform Division of Zhejiang Provincial Health Commission, and was removed from his post as Health Inspector of Zhejiang Provincial Health Commission (in the Organization and Personnel Division).

Zhejiang Provincial Health Committee of the Communist Party of China

April 3, 2024

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