Administrative normative documents
Index number: 002482365/2024-00071 Subject classification: hygiene
Issued by: Provincial Health Commission Written date: 2024-03-15
Document No.: ZWF [2024] No. 5 Document registration number: ZJSP67-2024-0002
Effectiveness: Valid

Notice of Zhejiang Provincial Health Commission on Printing and Distributing the Provincial Restricted Technology Catalog and Clinical Application Management Norms (2024 Edition)

Date of issue: 2024-03-29 14:28 Information source: Provincial Health Commission Number of views:

Municipal, county (city, district) health committees (bureaus), provincial hospitals:

In order to further strengthen the in-process and post supervision of clinical application of medical technology, do a good job in the management of clinical application of restricted technologies, and ensure medical quality and patient safety, according to the relevant provisions of the Administrative Measures for Clinical Application of Medical Technology, the National Catalogue of Restricted Technologies and Clinical Application Management Standards (2022 Edition), and the Implementation Rules of the Administrative Measures for Clinical Application of Medical Technology in Zhejiang Province, In combination with the actual situation of our province, our commission revised the 2019 provincial restricted technology catalog and management specifications to form the Provincial Restricted Technology Catalog (2024) and the Provincial Restricted Technology Clinical Application Management Specifications (2024). It is hereby printed and distributed to you. Please implement it carefully.

The Catalogue of Provincial Restricted Technologies (2024 Edition) and the Management Specifications for Clinical Application of Provincial Restricted Technologies (2024 Edition) will be implemented from May 1, 2024. The Catalogue of Provincial Restricted Medical Technology (2019 Edition) and the Management Specifications of Provincial Restricted Medical Technology (2019 Edition) shall be repealed at the same time.

enclosure: 1. Provincial restricted technology catalogue (2024 version). docx

2. Management Specification for Clinical Application of Provincial Restricted Technology (2024 Edition). docx

Zhejiang Provincial Health Commission

March 15, 2024

(Form of information disclosure: active disclosure)

Link: policy interpretation

Links: illustration

enclosure: Notice of Zhejiang Provincial Health Commission on Printing and Distributing the Provincial Restricted Technology Catalog and Clinical Application Management Norms (2024 Edition). pdf

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