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Lan Fo'an Chairs the Provincial Party Committee Theme Education Leading Group Meeting Jin Xiangjun Attends

Time: July 25, 2023 Source: official website of Shanxi Provincial People's Government

On July 24, the leading group meeting of the provincial party committee on the theme of learning and implementing Xi Jinping's socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era was held. Lan Fo'an, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and Leader of the Thematic Education Leading Group of the Provincial Party Committee, presided over the meeting and delivered a speech. He stressed that we should thoroughly study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's series of important speeches and important instructions on theme education, conscientiously implement the spirit of the Central Committee's promotion meeting on theme education rectification and improvement, further improve our political position, strengthen our political responsibility, adhere to the principle of learning, comparing, inspecting, and rectifying at the same time, and ensure that the real improvement is in place, Promote theme education to achieve solid results. Jin Xiangjun, deputy secretary and governor of the provincial party committee, deputy leader of the theme education leading group of the provincial party committee, Shang Liguang, deputy secretary of the provincial party committee, Zhang Jifu and Li Fengqi, provincial leaders attended the meeting, and Chen Anli reported the relevant situation. Sun Licheng, deputy leader of the Third Steering Group of the Central Committee for Theme Education, attended the meeting for guidance.

Lan Fo'an pointed out in his speech that under the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee and the careful guidance of the Third Steering Group of the Central Committee, the provincial party committee firmly grasped the general requirements of "learning ideas, strengthening party spirit, emphasizing practice, and building new achievements", insisted on integrating theoretical learning, investigation and research, promoting development, inspection and rectification, and continued to promote theoretical learning in a deep and practical way, Focusing on the major issues related to the high-quality development and modernization of the province, we carried out solid research, made solid rectification and improvement, and promoted the thematic education of our province to achieve phased results. In particular, the CPC Central Committee's deployment was comprehensively benchmarking, the requirements for rectification and improvement tasks were accurately grasped, and the problem oriented and effect oriented team of the Standing Committee of the CPC Provincial Committee took the lead in examining the problems. The first group of participating units actively followed up, focused on real improvement, and made every effort to solve the deep-seated key weaknesses restricting high-quality development, We will make every effort to solve the urgent problems that the people strongly reflect, and promote new achievements in "solving problems and promoting development", "doing practical things and solving people's worries".

Lan Fo'an stressed that inspection and rectification is not only a key measure of theme education, but also a powerful means to implement the requirements of "four learning" and ensure the effectiveness of theme education, which is directly related to the expected effect of this theme education, the overall situation of high-quality development and modernization of our province, and the political quality, spiritual outlook Direct test of ability and style. We should carry forward the spirit of self revolution, show the tenacity of attacking cities and pulling out strongholds, and the tenacity of continuous fighting, deepen our thinking and strengthen our actions to ensure that the rectification and improvement work is carried out in an orderly manner. We should focus on the issues that General Secretary Xi Jinping and the Central Committee of the Party care about, the problems that affect and restrict high-quality development, the problems that the people are anxious about, the problems in preventing and resolving major risks, and the problems in comprehensively and strictly governing the Party. We should implement effective practices such as standing book management and project-based promotion, and carry out targeted rectification and improvement. In accordance with the important directive spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's inspection and research on Shanxi's important speeches and the important directive spirit of Shanxi's work, we should focus our time and energy on the deployment of the Central Theme Education Office, the special rectification of the Third Steering Group of the Central Committee, and the "old and difficult" problems identified by the provincial party committee, so as to promote the solution of a number of persistent maladies. We should adhere to the combination of "immediate reform" and "long-term establishment", carry out a solid review of problems and "look back", further work on improving the system and mechanism, and strive to achieve normal long-term effect. We should insist on opening the door to inspect and rectify, carefully listen to the opinions and suggestions of the masses, fully understand the thoughts and concerns of the masses, and actively accept the supervision and judgment of the masses. We should pay attention to digging out typical cases of rectification and improvement that can be copied and popularized, guide all units to learn from each other and improve together, and promote the theme education to go deeper and more practical. We should prepare for the special democratic life meeting, make full use of the results of the rectification and improvement of the theme education, and do a solid and in-depth work in key links such as heart to heart talk, party spirit analysis, criticism and self-criticism, so as to ensure a high-quality new atmosphere.

Lan Fo'an stressed that the standing committee of the provincial party committee should promote the rectification of inspection problems under the leadership of the leaders above. The standing committee members of the provincial party committee should directly grasp the key problems and strengthen the guidance and supervision of the rectification work in the regions and areas in charge. The party committees (party groups) of the first batch of participating units shall take overall responsibility for the rectification and improvement work of their own units. The secretary of the party committee (party group) shall perform the duties of the first responsible person, take the lead in claiming rectification tasks, and directly promote the solution of problems. The team members shall carefully focus on the rectification and improvement of the problems they are responsible for, and ensure that each task is watched and grasped. The Theme Education Office and the Tour Steering Group of the Provincial Party Committee should strengthen supervision and guidance, and promote the rectification and improvement of all units to achieve actual results.

Members of the Third Steering Group of the Central Committee for Theme Education, members of the Theme Education Leading Group of the Provincial Party Committee, and comrades in charge of the Leading Group Office attended the meeting. (Chen Junqi)