The 13th East Asian Local Government Conference was held in Xi'an

On May 23, the 13th East Asian Local Government Conference was opened in Xi'an to continue traditional friendship and promote mutual benefit and win-win results.

Fang Hongwei, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, attended the opening ceremony and delivered a keynote speech. Mayor Ye Niuping presided over. The governor of Nara Prefecture of Japan, Masahisa Yamashita, and the counselor of the Asia Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Zhang Mei, delivered speeches. Jin Qiying, Deputy Executive Governor of Chung Ching Nam do, South Korea, Nguyen Ching Ping, Vice Chairman of the People's Committee of Seung Tin Hue Province, Vietnam, Hu Dayong, Vice Chairman of the People's Committee of Toyo Province, Ikeda Shenjiu, Vice President of the Nara County Council, Japan, Yao Hongjuan, Director of the Provincial Foreign Affairs Office, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, Secretary General of the Municipal Party Committee, Wen Quan and others attended the opening ceremony.

Fang Hongwei said in his keynote speech that, rooted in the fertile soil of China's excellent traditional culture, Xi'an inherits the gene of openness, carries forward the spirit of the Silk Road, actively integrates into the overall pattern of jointly building the "Belt and Road", and glows with vitality and vigor in the high-level opening up. At present, Xi'an insists on promoting deep reform and high-quality development with high-level opening up, creating a highland of inland reform and opening up, accelerating the construction of a national central city, and promoting the practice of Chinese style modernization in Xi'an. Looking forward to the future, the prospect is bright and there are many opportunities. We are willing to share open development opportunities with you, promote connectivity, strengthen infrastructure "hard connectivity" and standard system "soft connectivity", and comprehensively enhance the breadth and depth of economic and trade cooperation; Sharing opportunities for innovation and development, taking the construction of Xi'an "double centers" as an opportunity to strengthen joint scientific and technological research and talent training, and accelerate the development of new quality productivity; We will share opportunities for cultural development, continue to promote cultural exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations, and better promote people to people affinity and mutual understanding. It is hoped that the local governments of East Asian countries will join hands and work together to write a new chapter of exchange and cooperation!

Yamashita said Nara Prefecture is one of the birthplaces of Japanese history and culture. Since the first East Asian Local Government Conference was held in Nara County, the membership has grown. This year marks the 50th anniversary of the friendship between Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, and Nara, Japan. It is of great significance to hold this meeting. Xi'an, the ancient capital of the Thirteen Dynasties, has a long history and splendid culture. In recent years, it has made remarkable achievements in many fields. It is hoped that this meeting will enhance mutual understanding and exchanges among members and deepen friendly exchanges and practical cooperation between local governments.

Zhang Mei said that local foreign affairs work is an important part of the country's overall diplomacy. It is hoped that this meeting will serve as an opportunity to strengthen exchanges and interactions at all levels, deepen mutually beneficial cooperation in all fields, provide strong support for the development of bilateral and multilateral relations, inject strong momentum into regional common development, and add infinite vitality to deepening people to people and cultural exchanges among countries. We are ready to work with all parties to actively promote local governments in East Asia to jointly uphold peace, renew friendship, seek common development and create a future, so as to make greater contributions to peace, stability, development and prosperity in the region.

Ye Niuping said that as the host city of this session, Xi'an hopes to carry out cooperation and exchanges with local governments in digital economy, industrial development, urban governance and many other fields, learn from each other, achieve mutual benefit and win-win results, and work together to create a better future. At the same time, we sincerely invite you to visit Xi'an more, appreciate the historical charm of the thousand year old ancient capital and feel the fashion charm of modern cities.

At the main meeting held after the opening ceremony, the participants exchanged and discussed the two topics of "promoting high-quality development of the digital economy with data elements as the core" and "innovating agriculture and sharing the future". During the conference, the member cities' economic and trade promotion meeting, the display of characteristic industrial products, and the promotion of the investment environment of Xi'an Consulate District were also held. In the afternoon, the General Assembly and the closing ceremony announced Seung Tin Hue Province of Vietnam as the venue of the 14th Conference.

On the afternoon of the 22nd, Fang Hongwei and Ye Niuping met together with the heads of Chinese and foreign delegations attending the 13th East Asian Local Government Conference.

Members of the delegation attending the East Asia Local Government Conference, leaders of relevant municipal departments, districts, counties and development zones, etc. attended the conference.

(This article is from the WeChat official account of "Xi'an Release")