Chinese Embassy and Consulate in Germany Reminds Chinese Citizens to Be Alert to Telecommunication Fraud

Recently, a Chinese citizen reported to the embassy and consulate in Germany that the lawbreakers pretended to be the staff of the domestic public security, procuratorial and judicial organs and frequently carried out telecommunications fraud, which caused considerable property losses to Chinese citizens.

The common criminal procedures of criminals are as follows:

1、 Call the fraud telephone: the lawbreakers impersonate the special number 96110 of the domestic public security department for anti telecom network fraud, and the embassies and consulates in Germany call the parties, falsely claiming that the parties are suspected of illegal crimes, and transfer the phone to the lawbreakers who impersonate the domestic public security department staff.

2、 Initiate "case investigation": the lawbreakers establish contact with the parties, claim that the parties are suspected of serious crimes (such as bank cards and telephone numbers used to engage in illegal and criminal activities), and require the parties to accept the investigation.

3、 Implementation of mental control: The lawbreakers intimidated the party concerned about the serious case and were afraid of being deported and jailed. They ordered the party concerned to write a "confession", required the party concerned to download social software such as Telegram, and conducted "online monitoring and residence" through video links and regular reporting of personal conditions. The lawbreakers also often warn the parties that the case is "highly confidential" and prohibit the parties from disclosing information.

4、 Succeeded in defrauding money: The lawbreakers sent forged arrest warrants to the parties, but claimed that the parties could "spend money to eliminate disasters", for example, by remitting money to a "safe account" to prove that they have sufficient financial resources and no deliberate motive for committing crimes, or by paying bail to handle "bail pending trial", to induce the parties to transfer money. In some cases, the lawbreakers even tell the parties that the amount paid is not enough, and require the parties to fabricate reasons to further defraud relatives and friends of money.

Here, the embassy and consulate in Germany specially remind Chinese citizens in Germany to remember the following three points:

1、 The lawbreakers will impersonate the official department to cheat by telephone through technical means. Please carefully identify. The special number 96110 of the domestic public security department for anti telecom network fraud will only call to dissuade the person involved in telecom network fraud, and will not tell the person involved that they need to be investigated for suspected crimes. Domestic public security organs, procuratorates and law enforcement agencies have strict case handling procedures and will not handle cases online through telephone or social software. Please be vigilant.

2、 Illegal elements always show their way, and keeping calm is the key. The lawbreakers claimed that the case was serious and that "online surveillance and housing" were all mental control means, with the purpose of making the victims lose their judgment to find flaws in a state of panic and fatigue. The lawbreakers asked for the "confidentiality" of the case only to deprive the victim of the opportunity to seek help from the outside world. If you are suspected of being involved in telecommunication fraud, please be sure to remain calm, calmly analyze the situation, verify and seek help from reliable channels such as embassies and consulates abroad, local police, relatives and friends, and do not act impulsively.

3、 The criminals are cunning in committing crimes. When personal property is involved, please be extra vigilant and not credulous of any transfer and remittance requirements in any name. If property losses have been encountered, the evidence should be properly kept and reported to the local police in a timely manner. If the funds are transferred by domestic bank card, the public security organ in the place where the domestic household registration is located can be alerted at the same time, and the bank or trading platform can be contacted as soon as possible to require them to take corresponding stop loss measures such as stop payment, freeze, etc.

contact information:

If you are suspected of being involved in telecommunication fraud, you can verify and ask for help through the following channels:

German alarm telephone: 110

Ministry of Foreign Affairs Global Consular Protection and Service Emergency Hotline (24 hours):



Consular protection and assistance telephone of the Embassy in Germany:


Consular Protection and Assistance Consultation Email of Chinese Embassy in Germany:

Consular protection and assistance telephone of the Consulate General in Hamburg:


Consular Protection and Assistance Tel of the Consulate General in Munich:


Consular protection and assistance telephone of the Consulate General in Frankfurt:


Consular Protection and Assistance Tel of the Consulate General in Dusseldorf:


(This article is from the WeChat official account of "Consular Express")