The employment ceremony of translators of Xi'an high-end translation talent pool was held in Xi'an International Studies University

On October 20, the translator appointment ceremony of Xi'an high-end translation talent pool was held in Chang'an Campus of Xi'an International Studies University (hereinafter referred to as "Xi'an Foreign Studies University"). Party Zhengsheng, Vice President of Xi'an International Studies University, and Yang Zhen, Deputy Director of the Foreign Affairs Office of the Municipal Party Committee attended the meeting. Representatives of teachers from the Publicity Department of the Western Foreign Party Committee, the English School, the Japanese School of Culture and Economics, the European College, the Asian African College, the Russian College, the Chinese College, the Advanced Translation Institute, multilingual translators, the Foreign Affairs Translation Center of the Municipal Foreign Affairs Office and other relevant responsible comrades participated in the activity.

The Party's Victory in the Welcome Speech We have a deep and good foundation for cooperation with the Foreign Affairs Office of the Municipal Party Committee. In recent years, we have made gratifying achievements in the construction of translation talent pool, training of foreign affairs cadres, application of scientific research projects and professional translation events, and will continue to gather strength and integrate resources in the future in-depth cooperation, contributing to the international development of Xi'an and Shaanxi.

In his speech, Yang Zhen expressed his gratitude for the contribution made by Xi'an External Cooperation Group to serve the overall diplomatic situation of the country and the local socio-economic development. He stressed that condensing educational advantages is an important way to strengthen "cultural output". The Foreign Affairs Office of the Municipal Party Committee will take this event as an opportunity to continue to expand the pool of multilingual foreign affairs translation talents in Xi'an. With the help of such foreign affairs translation activities as the "Happy Xi'an Read China" China Story telling Speech Contest and Foreign Affairs Interpretation Contest, he will continue to expand various platforms and channels, Deeply grasp the laws of international communication, actively inherit and innovate the excellent Chinese culture, and make new contributions to the external communication of Chinese culture.

Later, Yang Zhen and the Party Zhengsheng jointly issued the appointment letters of interpreters of Xi'an high-end translation talent pool to 15 multilingual translation teacher representatives from six colleges of Western Foreign Studies, and jointly inaugurated the Western Foreign Studies Multilingual Academic Translation Innovation and Development Center. At the end of the ceremony, Yang Zhen announced the official launch of the third session of the Xi'an "Joy Xi'an Read China" China Story Speaking Contest and Foreign Affairs Interpretation Contest during the highlights of the previous two sessions.

At present, the Foreign Affairs Office of the Municipal Party Committee earnestly implements the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech when listening to the work report of the Shaanxi Provincial Party Committee and the provincial government and the spirit of the China Central Asia Summit, actively integrates into the overall pattern of building the "Belt and Road", and continues to play the advantages of "foreign affairs+education" in the process of serving the overall diplomatic situation of the country and local social and economic development, Continue to "tell Chinese stories and spread Chinese voice", so that the world can understand Xi'an more comprehensively and objectively, and then understand China, "understand China" and "understand China".