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WLK Nostalgic Clothes Enchantment Speciality 1-450 The Most Cost saving Fast Running Strategy

Time: 2022-09-23 18:29 Author: Weapon Master Mobile subscription Divine comment

News Introduction

In the World of Warcraft WLK nostalgic clothes, the income of enchanting has always been very stable. Every equipment update requires the use of enchanting, which can increase the attributes additionally, and it can also decompose equipment. What is the fast charging method of enchanting from level 1-450? Let's have a look. Part I: 1-300 full introduction 0-40 decomposition 40-75 [Enchant Wristband - Primary Life]=1 x

WLK Nostalgic Service Professional Quick Run Strategy Summary

In the World of Warcraft WLK nostalgic clothes, the income of enchanting has always been very stable. Every equipment update requires the use of enchanting, which can increase the attributes additionally, and it can also decompose equipment. What is the fast charging method of enchanting from level 1-450? Let's have a look.

Part I: 1-300 full introduction

0-40 decomposition

40-75 [Enchant Wristband - Primary Life]=1 x Strange Dust

75 - 85 [Enchanting Wristband - Primary Deflection]=1 x [Secondary Magic Essence], 1 x [Strange Dust]

85 - 100 [Enchant Wristband - Primary Endurance]=3 x [Strange Dust]

101 - 105 [Enchant Wristband - Primary Endurance]=3 x [Strange Dust]

105 - 120 [[Enchanting Wristband - Primary Agility]=2 x [Strange Dust], 1 x [Strong Magic Essence]] x 15

120 - 130 [[Enchanting Shield - Primary Endurance]=1 x [Secondary Astral Essence], 2 x [Strange Dust]] x 10

Supplement: Fantastic Dust can be purchased in large quantities. If you are a tailor, it will be easier. If not, please ask the people in the meeting to help make some green clothes and dismantle them yourself!

130 - 150 [[Enchant Wristband - Secondary Endurance]=2 x [Soul Dust]] x 25

150 - 151 [[Rune Gold Stick]=1 x [Gold Stick], 1 x [Color Pearl], 2 x [Strong Star Realm Essence], 2 x [Soul Dust]] x 1

151 - 160 [[Enchant Wristband - Secondary Endurance]=2 x [Soul Dust]] x 9

160 - 165 [[Enchanting Shield - Secondary Endurance]=1 x [Secondary Secret Essence], 1 x [Soul Dust]] x 5

165 - 180 [[Enchanting Wristband - Spirit]=1 x [Secondary Secret Essence] x 15

180 - 200 [[Enchant Wristband - Power]=1 x [Illusion Dust] x 20

200 - 201 [[Rune True Silver Stick]=1 x [True Silver Stick], 1 x [Black Pearl], 2 x [Strong Secret Essence], 2 x [Illusion Dust]] x 1

201 - 205 [[Enchant Wristband - Power]=1 x [Illusion Dust]] x 4

205 - 225 [[Enchanting Cloak - Strong Defense]=3 x [Illusion Dust]] x 20

225 - 235 [[Enchanting Gloves - Agility]=1 x [Secondary Void Essence], 1 x [Illusion Dust]] x 10

235 - 245 [[Enchant Chest Armor - Super HP]=6 x [Illusion Dust]] x 10

245 - 265 [[Enchanting Wristband - Strong Force]=2 x [Dust of Dream], 1 x [Strong Void Essence] x 20

265 - 300 [[Enchant Shield - Strong Endurance]=10 x [Dust of Dream]] x 25

[[Rune Ornamental Stick]=1 x [Ornamental Stick], 1 x [Golden Pearl], 10 x [Dust of Illusion], 4 x [Strong Immortal Essence], 4 x [Small Magic Light Fragments], 2 x [Large Magic Light Fragments] x 1

Supplement: Here we will focus on the enchanted shield - purchase location of powerful endurance! This recipe is bound!

The Alliance is purchased from the second room on the left (merchant - Maslindir) in the Danasus Warrior Area!

The tribe was bought from Daniel Bartlett, a businessman in the Dark City!

Part II: Full Strategy of 300-375

300 - 301 Rune Demon Stick (1 x Magic Iron Stick, 4 x Strong Immortal Essence, 6 x Great Magic Light Fragment, 1 x Rune Aurum Stick) x 1

301 - 305 Magic Cloak - Super Defense (8 x Shadow Dust) x 7

305 - 315 Evil Wristband - Attack/Wrist Power (6 x Arcane Dust) x 10

315 - 325 magic cloak - extremely effective armor or magic gloves - attack (8 x arcane dust) x 10

325 - 335 magic breastplate - extremely effective spirit (2 x powerful plane essence) x 10

335 - 340 pairs of magic shields - Extreme endurance (15 x Arcane Dust) x 5

340 - 345 Super Wizard Oil (3 x Arcane Dust, 1 x Nightmare Rattan, 1 x Soak Test Bottle) x 10

345 - 350 pairs of magic gloves - extreme power (12 x arcane dust, 1 x powerful plane essence) x 5

350 - 360 Enchanting Cloak - Rapid - (Endless Dust x6)

360 - 375 Enchant Wrist - Strike - (Endless Dust x6)

Part III: 375-450 Full Introduction

Find a mentor in Northrend to increase the maximum skill level, which requires 60 points, 350 points and 450 points

Alliance - Howling Phoenix Fjord - Vargard - Elizabeth Jackson<59,63>

Alliance - Beifeng Tundra - Valorous Fortress - Alexis Malowe<58,72>

Tribe - Howling Phoenix Fjord - Vengeance Terrace - Emil Orton<79,28>

Tribe - Beifeng Tundra - Battle Song Castle - Yioran · Ri Strike<41,54>

Dalaran - Demon Guider Trade Zone - Enchanter Naiersannis<39,40>

375-380 Enchant Wrist - Strike - (Endless Dust x6)

380-395 Enchant Wristband - Excellent Intelligence - (Endless Dust x10)

395-405 Enchanting Cloak - Powerful Agility - (Endless Dust x9)

If there is enough eternal soil, this formula can also be referred to between 400-420

Conclusion: The above is the quick impact method of 1-450 for enchantment specialty in WLK nostalgic clothes.

Related reading: WLK, Nostalgic clothes, enchanting, skills