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Cataclysm nostalgia group's original BIS equipment Ice Age group's original pioneering equipment recommendation

Time: 2024-05-27 14:24 Author: 17173 Report sorting Mobile subscription Divine comment

News Introduction

[17173 Exclusive original report, please indicate the source for reprinting] This article introduces the BIS equipment recommendation of Ice Method in front of the team at the P1 stage of the World of Warcraft nostalgic clothes cataclysm, how to match the BIS equipment of Ice Method in front of the team, and the equipment enchantment recommendation. BIS equipment recommendation for original land reclamation of Bingfa Group head Light biological optical telescope, enchanting recommendation: Heikal secret medicine Necklace Yellow fog pendant

[17173 Exclusive original report, please indicate the source for reprinting]

This article introduces the BIS equipment recommendation of Ice Method in front of the team at the P1 stage of the World of Warcraft nostalgic clothes cataclysm, how to match the BIS equipment of Ice Method in front of the team, and the equipment enchantment recommendation.

BIS equipment recommendation for original land reclamation of Bingfa Group



Light biological optical telescope, enchanting recommendation: Heikal secret medicine


Yellow Fog Charm/Lightning Charm, Dorian's Lost Necklace


Ancient master's shoulder lining, enchanting recommendation: powerful charging magnet inscription


Reitson's streamer cloak, enchanting recommendation: enchanting cloak - powerful intelligence bright stripe embroidery


Dazzling robe of Dietz, enchanting recommendation: enchanting breastplate - unparalleled attribute

Wrist guard

Shashi Wristband, Enchant Recommended: Enchant Wristband - Extreme Intelligence, Dragon and Man Carving - Intelligence


Flame burning armguard, enchanting recommendation: enchanting gloves - extreme speed, neuron spring


Dreamless strap


Nightmare Twisting Trousers, enchanting recommendation: powerful ghost magic thread, master magic thread


Desert Walker's Boots, Enchant Recommended: Enchant Boots - Lava Walker


Children emperor's ring, ray ring, enchanting recommendation: enchanting ring intelligence


Dark Moon Card: Volcano, Remnant Branch of Time

Two handed weapon

The staff of Sorensen, the witch king, recommended for enchanting: enchanting weapon - energy torrent

Main and deputy weapons

Doom Ulak's sharp beak, Ruhua's favorite bone stick, enchanting recommendation: enchanting weapon - energy torrent, enchanting deputy - super intelligence


Corla's Staff


The above is the information about the BIS configuration of the Ice Method for Pioneering in the P1 phase of Cataclysm. I hope it can help you. For more BIS configurations, please pay attention to the 17173 World of Warcraft zone.