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The 2014 Straits Workers' Forum was held in Xiamen

Source: China Industrial Network - Workers' Daily
2024-06-16 07:22

Original title: The 2014 Straits Workers' Forum was held in Xiamen

CAMCE Xiamen, June 15 (Worker's Daily - CAMCE reporter Hao He and Li Runzhao) Today, the 2024 'Straits Workers' Forum was held in Xiamen, Fujian Province, with the theme of "all kinds of work and all kinds of industry develop together, figure, intelligence, enable and create the future". This forum is hosted by the All China Federation of Trade Unions and is an important part of the Straits Forum. The forum attracted more than 220 skilled masters, model workers, front-line workers and trade union cadres from both sides of the Taiwan Straits to participate in the exchange. Xu Liuping, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group, Vice Chairman and First Secretary of the Secretariat of the All China Federation of Trade Unions, attended the forum and delivered a speech, stressing the need to earnestly implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's series of important speeches on Taiwan work, practice the concept of "one family on both sides of the Taiwan Straits", actively promote exchanges and exchanges between trade unions on both sides of the Taiwan Straits, build more platforms, and help workers on both sides of the Taiwan Straits improve their skills and quality Enjoy the dividends of economic development.

 one trillion and seven hundred and eighteen billion four hundred and ninety-two million nine hundred and twenty-nine thousand six hundred and ninety-eight

Photographed by Wang Xin, a reporter of China Industrial Network

Xu Liuping pointed out that the exchange of workers and trade unions is an important area and channel for the integration and development of the two sides of the Straits, and plays an irreplaceable role in promoting the sense of building a community of the Chinese nation and safeguarding the common homeland of the Chinese nation. Over the years, the workers and trade unions on both sides of the Straits have always come down in one continuous line, connecting hands and hearts, and helping each other. The holding of this session of the Taiwan Straits Workers' Forum will build truth for the exchange and cooperation of trade unions across the Straits, offer good strategies for improving the skills of workers across the Straits, and gather consensus for the integration and development of cross Straits relations.

 one trillion and seven hundred and eighteen billion four hundred and ninety-two million nine hundred and thirty-eight thousand three hundred and sixty-three

Photographed by Wang Xin, a reporter of China Industrial Network

Xu Liuping proposed to strengthen the exchange between workers and trade unions on both sides of the Straits, actively carry out labor and skill competitions, and enthusiastically serve Taiwanese workers working in the mainland. Guided by the success of the Straits Workers' Forum, we should further expand the fields and channels of exchange and cooperation between workers and trade unions across the Straits, and carry out extensive experiential, immersive and interactive exchange activities with the help of artificial intelligence, digital economy, etc. Efforts should be made to carry out various forms of innovation and creation activities, and constantly improve the technical skills and professional abilities of employees across the Straits. We should always respect, care for and benefit Taiwan compatriots' employees, further strengthen the construction of various platforms for employment and entrepreneurship of employees across the Taiwan Straits, and do a good job of rights protection services with heart and feelings.

 one trillion and seven hundred and eighteen billion four hundred and ninety-two million nine hundred and forty-five thousand and ninety-seven

Photographed by Wang Xin, a reporter of China Industrial Network

Sun Yafu, Vice President of the Association for Cross Strait Relations, attended the forum. Zhuang Jiahan, Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of the Fujian Provincial People's Congress and Chairman of the Fujian Provincial Federation of Trade Unions, Yao Jianglin, Honorary Chairman of the Taiwan Association for the Development of Cross Strait Labor Relations, and Chen Mengbang, representative of Taiwan model workers on the mainland, addressed the forum. Zhang Xinwu, Secretary of the Secretariat of the All China Federation of Trade Unions, presided over the forum and read out the proposal of "Cross Strait Exchange Activities for 100 Industries".

 one trillion and seven hundred and eighteen billion four hundred and ninety-two million nine hundred and fifty-four thousand three hundred and twenty-four

Photographed by Wang Xin, a reporter of China Industrial Network

The forum includes achievements display, forum speech, launching ceremony of "Cross Strait 100 Industry Exchange Activity", experience sharing meeting of cross Strait staff exchange, on-site display and other links. The delegates at the meeting shared stories and friendship, and expressed their good wish of "sharing the national justice and glory of the golden age". In the meantime, we also watched the drama "Looking for Taste", which was jointly produced by the Beijing Federation of Literary and Art Circles, the All China Federation of Trade Unions and the Taiwan Affairs Office of the Beijing Municipal People's Government.

 one trillion and seven hundred and eighteen billion four hundred and ninety-two million nine hundred and sixty-two thousand and ninety-one

Photographed by Wang Xin, a reporter of China Industrial Network

The Straits Workers' Forum is an important platform for cross Straits workers to communicate, dialogue and build consensus. Since its launch in 2010, it has done a lot of work in promoting cross Straits workers' skills exchanges, carrying out labor and skills competitions, helping workers to obtain high-quality employment, and strengthening workers' cultural exchanges.

During his stay in Xiamen, Xu Liuping attended the 16th Straits Forum Conference, and exchanged views with Luo Dongchuan, Deputy Secretary of the Fujian Provincial Party Committee, Cui Yonghui, Member of the Standing Committee of the Fujian Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of the Xiamen Municipal Party Committee, on how to do a good job in trade union work, and held a forum with local trade union cadres around party discipline learning and education.

Editor in charge: Yu Xiaoshu

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