Zhonggong Entertainment

Lighting up the staff's happy life with high-quality cultural services

Source: Labor Daily
2024-05-24 10:56

Original title: Lighting up a better life for employees with high-quality cultural services

The singing and dancing of "We Workers Have Power", the singing and dancing of "China in the Lights", the dancing of "Endeavour in China", and the elephant hat dance of "Harvest Music after Work"... Recently, the "Work with One Heart to the Future" prefectural workers' leisure cultural performance hosted by the Federation of Trade Unions of Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture of Jilin Province and the launch ceremony of Yanbian workers' cultural month were held. On the same day, representatives of model workers, craftsmen More than 1300 staff representatives and employees of government agencies, enterprises and institutions watched the performance. (May 23, Workers' Daily)

It is reported that in addition to the amateur art performance of the staff in Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture, Jilin Province, the staff culture month will also successively carry out the theme of "Chinese Dream, Labor Beauty, the Revival of a Powerful Country with Me", "Be the Main Force and Make Contributions to a New Era", the reading of the staff's classic poems in Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture, and "The Prosperity of calligraphy and calligraphy is like a song" Jilin Province staff celebrated the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China calligraphy and painting exhibition and other activities. The labor union makes the employees of the whole prefecture enjoy the cultural feast, which undoubtedly enriches the cultural life of the employees and effectively improves the quality of their spiritual life, and is worthy of praise.

The construction of staff culture in the new era bears the new expectations of the staff and workers. Just as this "Work with One Heart to the Future" all prefecture staff amateur art performance and Yanbian staff culture month activity hosted by the Federation of Trade Unions of Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture of Jilin Province, we can see that trade unions and relevant units attach importance to and strongly support the construction of staff culture in the new era. Its rich and varied forms of cultural and sports activities have also improved the enthusiasm of the majority of employees to participate, making its influence deeper and farther.

The majority of workers are not only creators of material wealth, but also creators of spiritual wealth. Trade union organizations at all levels should actively promote the development of healthy, civilized and uplifting cultural services for workers, carry out cultural service activities such as "sending performances to the grassroots", and bring literary and artistic condolences to workers. Create "staff culture season", vigorously promote staff's literary and artistic creation to keep pace with the times, launch more literary and artistic boutiques that are grounded, popular and morale boosting, better meet the growing needs of the staff for high-quality cultural life, and light up the staff's happy life with high-quality cultural services. Shen Feng

Editor in charge: queen

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