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We will resolutely punish those who seek "independence", and resolutely defend national interests

Source: Xinhua News Agency
2024-05-24 07:37

Original title: resolutely punish and seek "independence" provocation and firmly defend national interests

The eastern theater of the Chinese People's Liberation Army organized troops from the theater army, navy, air force, rocket corps and other forces to carry out the "Joint Sword 2024A" exercise around Taiwan Island from 23rd to 24th, focusing on exercises such as joint air and sea combat readiness patrol, joint seizure of comprehensive control of the battlefield, joint targeting of key targets and other subjects, warships and aircraft approaching the surrounding area of Taiwan Island for patrol, and integrated linkage between inside and outside the island chain, Test the actual combat capability of joint operations of theater forces. This is a firm punishment for Taiwan leaders' "May 20" speech releasing dangerous signals of seeking "independence" and provocation, and a stern warning for foreign forces to connive at supporting "Taiwan independence" and interfering in China's internal affairs. This large-scale live military exercise is just in time and necessary. It demonstrates the strong determination, determination and ability to defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity and safeguard core interests, and demonstrates our solemn position of zero tolerance, non appeasement and daring to fight against foreign interference against any form of "Taiwan independence" separatist acts.

In the long history of more than 5000 years of the Chinese nation, the pursuit of unity and opposition to division have always been the mainstream values of the whole nation. "Taiwan independence" is a serious crime of splitting the country and harming the fundamental interests of the Chinese nation and the common interests of compatriots on both sides of the Straits. In their speech to Taiwan, the leaders of the Taiwan region were bold and full of hostility and provocation, lies and deceit. The "Taiwan independence" stance was more radical and risky. He openly sold the "two countries theory", hyped "Taiwan independence", and tried to change the nature of cross-strait relations. This is a serious provocation to the one China principle, which has aroused the strong indignation of hundreds of millions of Chinese people. It must be slapped on the head through strong punishment.

After the rapid decline of cross Straits relations in the past eight years, compatriots on both sides of the Straits hope that cross Straits relations can return to the glory of peaceful development, exchanges and cooperation. The leaders of Taiwan ignored the reality of "two minorities in power", ignored the mainstream public opinion of the island, remained incorrigible and determined, tried to play up the "threat" of the mainland to Taiwan, incited "anti China and anti China", and deliberately raised the confrontation between the two sides. This "Taiwan independence worker" viciously attacked and slandered the mainland, maliciously tore up the feelings of compatriots on both sides of the Straits, and also called for "strengthening national defense", "giving play to deterrence", in an attempt to "seek independence by force". This is to tie the vast number of innocent Taiwan compatriots to the "Taiwan independence" chariot, which will only further push Taiwan into the danger of war. Their arrogance must be resolutely suppressed through effective punishment.

In their speeches, the leaders of the Taiwan region showed total servility, tried to sell "Taiwan's use value" to external forces, exposed the shameful face of traitors, tried to gain support from external forces for their "independence" by "selling Taiwan", and resolutely seized the "pawns" and "pioneers" of external forces to curb China's development. For Taiwan leaders to lead wolves into their homes, "seek independence by relying on foreign countries" and external forces to interfere in the Taiwan issue, we must effectively punish and clarify our attitude and draw a red line.

Taiwan has belonged to China since ancient times, with clear historical longitude and latitude and clear legal facts. There is only one China in the world, and the historical and legal fact that Taiwan is a part of China is beyond doubt. Taiwan has never been a country but a part of China, and its status cannot be changed. If the "Taiwan independence" separatists are allowed to engage in chaos with external forces, it will be the most dangerous change to the current situation in the Taiwan Strait and the most serious damage to the prospects for peaceful reunification of the two sides. The Taiwan issue is the core of China's core interests, and safeguarding national sovereignty and territorial integrity is the common will of more than 1.4 billion Chinese people. We will never tolerate or tolerate attempts to split the country, and will never leave any room for any form of "Taiwan independence" and foreign interference. We must make strong countermeasures.

It should be noted that all our counter-measures are aimed at a very small number of "Taiwan independence" separatists and their separatist activities, not at the majority of Taiwan compatriots. The compatriots on both sides of the Straits belong to the Chinese nation and are all Chinese. No one wants to reunify the motherland through peaceful means more than we do. We are full of love and affection for our flesh and blood compatriots; If "Taiwan independence" goes against the current, those who break the law will be punished. The majority of Taiwan compatriots should firmly stand on the right side of history, be upright Chinese, clearly distinguish right from wrong, act in accordance with righteousness, work with mainland compatriots, resolutely oppose the "Taiwan independence" split and interference from external forces, and firmly hold the future and destiny of Taiwan in the hands of the Chinese on both sides of the Straits.

Unification is the historical trend and the right path; "Taiwan independence" is a counter current and a dead end. We must uphold the right path, curb the countercurrent, and be responsible for the history, the nation, and the future. The more provocative the "Taiwan independence" forces become, the stronger the opposition becomes. Any attempt to split China's territory will be resolutely opposed by all Chinese people, including Taiwan compatriots, and will be crushed to pieces by the rolling wheels of history. "The power in the hand draws the sword against the sky, and cuts the whale straight into the sea." If the Democratic Progressive Party authorities and their leaders, the "Taiwan independence" separatist forces do not rein in the precipice, they will dare to take risks, and will be humiliated and find their own way out! Commentator of Xinhua News Agency

Editor in charge: queen

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