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Digging underground space, cohesive force intelligent mining... to train applied technical talents, this school has a clever plan

Source: China Industrial Network
2024-06-15 20:43

Li Xinyuan, a reporter of China Industrial Network

"When the shield machine is driving underground, what is the speed per hour?"

"The average speed is about 5 meters per hour!"

"The driving speed per hour is affected by the geological conditions, and needs to be analyzed according to the actual situation!"

On June 13, in the Mine Training Center of the College of Resources and Safety Engineering of Henan University of Engineering, Li Yongbing, the teacher of urban underground space engineering of the college, asked questions, which triggered students to compete for answers. His teaching aid is a miniature shield machine. Although it is small, it is built according to the proportion of the real shield machine, and its operability is not bad at all.

Students participate in the on-site teaching of subway station construction. Photograph provided by respondents

It is understood that the major of urban underground space engineering is developed from civil engineering, underground engineering, urban and rural planning and other disciplines. Relying on professional experimental equipment, the school strives to train students to be high-level applied talents engaged in planning, design, construction, safety management, disaster prevention and reduction of urban underground space projects.

"Theory and practice are inseparable, especially for science and engineering students, it is difficult to really find problems and master skills without hands-on practice." Li Yongbing said that there is also a simulated tunnel with a diameter of 3 meters in the training center, and he will often take students into the simulated tunnel to feel the real working environment.

When entering the tunnel, Li Yongbing has only one requirement for students - safety first. "You are not allowed to enter the simulated tunnel without wearing a helmet, and you must obey the command when entering the scene." This has become Li Yongbing's mantra.

Students participate in on-site teaching of underground utility tunnel. Photograph provided by respondents

In the process of teaching, Li Yongbing found that "high vision but low skill" is the common problem of most students. He clearly saw the installation steps of the segment machine, but failed frequently at first.

How to make teaching achievements take root? The answer given by the teacher is multi practice, that is, virtual simulation experiment in school, well mouth practice, downhole practice, etc.

Xu Kun, a student majoring in mining engineering in the School of Resources and Safety Engineering of the university, is about to graduate this year. During the school period, he has participated in a number of underground operations, and has been skilled in rock collection, roadway loose ring testing and other operations.

Xu Kun followed his teacher to the Buliangou Coal Mine in Ordos, Inner Mongolia, to participate in field projects when he was a junior. Different from his previous experience of visiting the mine, he was directly involved in the underground work this time. After seeing the teachers demonstrate the operation on the ground, he followed two seniors down to the underground mine several hundred meters deep to test the side seam of the floor crack. When the second drill hole was detected, the equipment was slightly bent and fell off accidentally after being stuck at the edge of the drill hole. Xu Kun and the seniors panicked. When the teacher learned the situation, he quickly rushed to the underground testing site with the professional team and led everyone to take out the most precious piece of testing equipment. The teachers and students on the scene were relieved.

This experience made Xu Kun realize that accidents under the mine are common, so he must always be ready to deal with possible emergencies. He is determined to continuously improve his theoretical level and practical ability, and will sign up for any project he has. In the first half of this year alone, Xu Kun has participated in many projects such as the Chengcheng Coal Mine of Zheng Coal Group and the Xuehu Coal Mine of Yongcheng City.

Zhang Shaofu, a senior majoring in mining engineering in the College of Resources and Safety Engineering, not only did well in school, but also was keen to participate in various practical projects. Zhang Shaofu said that he had found a job in the silver mine in his hometown Luoyang and would be engaged in underground mining. "I'm going to work soon. I hope I can do my job well, train my skills, learn from the craftsmen of big countries, and work hard to serve the country."

"Consolidating theoretical level and accumulating practical experience is the key training goal of the college and department for students." Li Yongbing said, "We will be committed to cultivating high-level applied talents who can engage in construction and evaluation, production and management, design and construction, development and research in the fields of mining engineering and its intelligence and greening, and lead them to take the path of becoming talents with skills and serving the country with skills."

Editor in charge: Wang Tianyue

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