"Running for Love, Healthy Mothers 1+1" Public Welfare Activity Solicitation Proposal
2024-05-13 10:07:02  Author: Source: Sister Min Editor in charge: Zhuo Zhimu

Respected people from all walks of life:

Mother is the softest word in everyone's heart. She gives us life and nurtures us to grow. The health and safety of our mother is our greatest wish. We are always taking action to care for mother's health. On the eve of Mother's Day, Fujian Women's Federation, together with the Provincial Sports Bureau and Fuzhou Municipal People's Government, held the 2024 "Run for Love, Healthy Mothers 1+1" public welfare fund-raising activity to raise money for mothers in need and children in need throughout the province.

There are such a group of mothers around us. They were originally in difficult circumstances, but unfortunately suffered from breast cancer or cervical cancer. They not only suffered from pain, but also suffered from huge economic life pressure; We also have a group of mothers in difficulties around us. Because of family changes, they have to use their weak bodies to support the "one old and one young" "one day" of the family; We also have a group of difficult newborns around us. Their difficult families are powerless to deal with those who were born with serious congenital diseases and urgently need surgery; There are also a group of girls who hope to change their destiny with knowledge

Help a mother and save a family; Save a child, but also a family happiness. Donations are not counted, and charitable acts are done in no order. Here, we sincerely propose to you, take positive actions and generously donate, and give a love to mothers in need and children in need. The accumulated water forms a river and the accumulated sand forms a tower. Your donation will become the dawn of hope for them, open the way for the life and health of every mother and child in distress, and inject a forward force into every mother and girl in adversity.

Every donation is a love, and every action is a warmth. Let's take action, pursue dreams, share good deeds, help mothers in difficulties to overcome difficulties, and go to a better life together! We sincerely look forward to your participation! Thank you for your kindness!

May every mother be treated tenderly by the world.

Fujian Women's Federation

Fujian Women and Children Development Foundation

you share rose get fun

For my mother's smile

Let's give our love together

Donation method 1

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Donation method 2

Bank donation

Fujian Women and Children Development Foundation

Donations can be accepted all year round

Address: Fujian Women and Children Development Foundation, No. 163, Hualin Road, Fuzhou.

The account information is as follows:

Account name: Fujian Women and Children Development Foundation

Opening bank: Fuzhou Hualin Branch of ICBC

Account No.: 1402 02360901 4404 467