The import and export of Fujian private enterprises exceeded 400 billion yuan in the first four months
2024-05-13 10:07:02  Author: Source: Southeast Network Editor in charge: Zhuo Zhimu

On May 11, Southeast Network (Fujian Daily reporter Zheng Huang, correspondent Huang Zhongzu, Hong Ruihang) According to the statistics of Fuzhou and Xiamen Customs, in the first four months, the import and export of private enterprises in Fujian Province was 404.3 billion yuan, up 12.7% year on year, a record high in the same period, accounting for 61.4% of Fujian's foreign trade import and export, 4.1 percentage points higher than the same period last year. Among them, the export was 295.26 billion yuan, up 13.7% year on year, accounting for 73.1% of Fujian's foreign trade exports; Import was 109.04 billion yuan, up 10.1% year on year.

The growth of major trading partners was stable. In the first four months, imports and exports to ASEAN, the United States, the Middle East and Japan reached 106.54 billion yuan, 55.19 billion yuan, 19.02 billion yuan and 12.22 billion yuan respectively, up 28.1%, 18.1%, 16% and 29.1% respectively. Over the same period, import and export to countries jointly building the "Belt and Road" reached 205.97 billion yuan, up 14.2%; Import and export to other RCEP member countries reached 156.02 billion yuan, up 18.1%.

The export recovery of labor-intensive products accelerated. In the first four months, Fujian private enterprises exported 97.21 billion yuan of labor-intensive products, an increase of 19.8%, accounting for 32.9% of the total export value of Fujian private enterprises in the same period. Among them, the export of electromechanical products of private enterprises increased significantly, with a total of 112.68 billion yuan, up 9.3%. In addition, exports of cultural products, lamps and lanterns, and automobiles were 12.73 billion yuan, 6.01 billion yuan, and 1.57 billion yuan, up 69.5%, 65.5%, and 110.7% respectively.

The import of consumer goods and resource goods increased significantly. In the first four months, private enterprises in Fujian Province imported 17.96 billion yuan of agricultural products, a year-on-year increase of 24%, including 7.9 billion yuan of grain, 2.43 billion yuan of edible aquatic products, and 1.2 billion yuan of edible oil, an increase of 67.7%, 3.9%, and 5.4 times respectively.