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Fuzhou Family Dining Table Practice "CD-ROM Action"
2024-04-23 18:26:54  Author: Source: Fuzhou Daily Editor in charge: Zhuo Zhimu

Fuzhou Daily (reporter Mu Fangting) With the improvement of citizens' living standards and civilized quality, the concept of "CD Action" to eliminate waste and use public spoons and chopsticks has become more and more popular. From restaurants and restaurants to many families' tables, the virtue of diligence and thrift has spread to thousands of families.

At noon on the 21st, after having a dinner with friends at home, Ms. Ye, a citizen, was a little worried. There were still a lot of two plates of braised bamboo shoots on the table, which were made by her father after he dug them from the back mountain of Nanping's hometown to dry. However, her family could not eat all at night alone, and carelessly caused waste.

"It's OK. You take three disposable plastic bags and wrap them on me," said Ms. Li, a friend. She quickly divided the braised bamboo shoots into three parts and put them into plastic bags. Looking at the empty plate in front of her, Ms. Ye couldn't help praising it.

Ms. Li said that she likes to have dinner with her friends at home. Many of her friends are small families with three or four people. The food is not well controlled, but they are willing to share the leftovers. "Now everyone's living conditions are better, and the concept of civilization is keeping up. Don't waste is the original intention that everyone is willing to share," Ms. Li said.

Not only has the "CD-ROM Action" become the consensus of more families, but also more and more people understand and accept the public spoon and chopsticks. On the evening of the 21st, Mr. Zheng took his wife and children to visit a friend's home. During dinner, he asked his friend if he could add some male chopsticks. "At the beginning of using male spoon and chopsticks, I felt that they were all acquaintances and even family members, so I still felt uncomfortable." Mr. Zheng said frankly, but over time, he and his friends increasingly agreed with this civilized way of eating, protecting both himself and others.