Fuzhou: Passionate "March 3rd" compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Straits like singing
2024-04-12 16:12:18  Author: Source: Fuzhou Daily Editor in charge: Zhuo Zhimu

In April and spring, Rixi Township of Jin'an District ushered in the annual event - "March 3rd" She Culture Festival. Witnessed by ethnic minority compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Straits, the cross-strait rural cultural and tourism integration and exchange post office was unveiled.


A game of stick handling. (Courtesy of Rixi Township)

Zhu Wang Biyu, a compatriot of Taiwan's ethnic minority, went to Rixi for the fifth time on "March 3rd", and was familiar with it as if she were going home to visit her relatives. She said: "The unique She culture is an important cultural and tourism resource, and the completion of the post station will certainly build a bridge for cultural and tourism exchanges in rural areas across the Taiwan Straits, so that both sides of the Taiwan Straits can create mutual exchange in rural construction and move forward hand in hand."

As a traditional folk activity with a long history, the "March 3rd" She Culture Festival has become a bridge for Rongtai cultural exchange. On the "March 3rd" this year, citizens, tourists and compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Straits came in according to the agreement. The delicious foods such as black rice, zongzi, and glutinous rice cake released attractive fragrance. In a festive and lively atmosphere, the cross-strait ethnic minority folk song competition kicked off, and loud songs resounded through the mountains and forests.

The exciting traditional folk activities of the She nationality also started at the same time. The pole holding competition is particularly wonderful. The contestants hold the long bars, push or pull, twist or push, and strive to push the other side off the bench. Every successful push is accompanied by cheers and cheers from the audience. The She nationality competition events such as the escort, stone wielding, board shoe racing, and dragon meets phoenix are also popular. Finally, the people on both sides of the Straits joined hands, side by side, and danced a happy national unity dance, sincerely looking forward to the next meeting.

Relevant leaders of Rixi Township said that they would take the "March 3rd" She Culture Festival as a bridge to explore more forms of exchange activities, promote the integration of culture, tourism, Fujian and Taiwan, further develop the rural economy and culture, and comprehensively build a sense of community of the Chinese nation. (Reporter Zhu Rong)