Women's Channel
Why do some women yearn for sex? There are only four reasons why men should not be afraid

Recently, Xiao Jiu received a private letter from a male fan backstage saying that his girlfriend's aunt came recently, but she has always been very active these days. I think her roommate is not good for her health at this time, but she has been teasing me all the time. If she doesn't cooperate, she is always angry, so I don't know how to do it. It would be good to comfort her for a few days

Article: female sex
When having sex, women's private parts always make a "poop poop" fart sound? It is mostly related to these four reasons

As a bachelor, I have a different attitude towards life and love from my best friend. She wants to pursue perfection in everything and even makes all kinds of efforts for it, but I think it's better to try my best and treat herself better. A month ago, I didn't see her for half a year, but I just met her and found that she was not in good condition

Article: female sex
Female menopause at the age of 45 and 54, whose aging speed is faster? Tell the truth!

1、 Which is faster for women to age at 45 or 54 after menopause? The essence of menopause is ovarian failure. The follicles in the body are exhausted and do not grow. The follicles cannot produce enough estrogen and progesterone, and menstruation will also stop. Data shows that the average menopausal age of Chinese women is about 50 years old

Article: female sex
Why do some women have a strong desire for sex? It's just related to these four points. Don't be embarrassed

These two days, Ai saw a female fan friend backstage complaining about her husband's strong demand, and she couldn't resist: "She has been married for three years, and the baby is one year old, but her husband has a strong sexual desire. Except for the time when she was pregnant and gave birth to a baby, and the special days of each month, her husband has sex almost every night.

Article: female sex
Why Japanese women seldom get gynecological diseases? It may be related to these four factors and is worth learning

According to the survey of the World Health Organization (WHO), more than 96% of married women in China suffer from gynecological diseases of different degrees, and the incidence of common gynecological diseases is more than 87.6%. Japan, however, has only 28%. In East Asian countries, Japan can be said to be a very open country, but why should

Article: female sex
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    Xiao Li recently felt that her relationship with her boyfriend would never return to the past. All this has to start from their sexual life. Xiaoli feels that every time she gets close to her boyfriend, her excitement is very low. Every time she is not satisfied, her boyfriend is over. Gradually, she no longer expected to spend time with her boyfriend,

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    Recently, Xiaomiao received a request from a female fan backstage: when she was sleeping with her boyfriend a few days ago, the sound of "poop poop" suddenly came from below, which was really embarrassing! Suddenly, I was afraid of sex life, and I was afraid that this phenomenon would occur in the future. Some people say it is caused by the relaxation of private parts. Is it true? But this year

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Why do some women yearn for sex? There are only four reasons why men should not be afraid

Recently, Xiao Jiu received a private letter from a male fan backstage saying that his girlfriend's aunt came recently, but she always takes the initiative these days. I think her roommate is not good for her health at this time, but she has been teasing me all the time. If she doesn't cooperate, she is always angry, so I don't know how to do it. It would be good to comfort her for a few days

Article: female sex
When having sex, women's private parts always make a "poop poop" fart sound? It is mostly related to these four reasons

As a bachelor, I have a different attitude towards life and love from my best friend. She wants to pursue perfection in everything and even makes every effort for it. But I think it's better to try my best and treat myself better. A month ago, I didn't see her for half a year, but I just met her and found that she was not in good condition

Article: female sex
Female menopause at the age of 45 and 54, whose aging speed is faster? Tell the truth!

1、 Which is faster for women to age at 45 or 54 after menopause? The essence of menopause is ovarian failure. The follicles in the body are exhausted and do not grow. The follicles cannot produce enough estrogen and progesterone, and menstruation will also stop. Data shows that the average menopausal age of Chinese women is about 50 years old

Article: female sex
Why do some women have a strong desire for sex? It's just related to these four points. Don't be embarrassed

These two days, Ai saw a female fan friend backstage complaining about her husband's strong demand, and she couldn't resist: "She has been married for three years, and the baby is one year old, but her husband has a strong sexual desire. Except for the time when she was pregnant and gave birth to a baby, and the special days of each month, her husband has sex almost every night.

Article: female sex
Why Japanese women seldom get gynecological diseases? It may be related to these four factors and is worth learning

According to the survey of the World Health Organization (WHO), more than 96% of married women in China suffer from gynecological diseases of different degrees, and the incidence of common gynecological diseases is more than 87.6%. Japan, however, has only 28%. In East Asian countries, Japan can be said to be a very open country, but why should

Article: female sex
  • Why do some women desire sex? There are only four reasons why men should not be afraid

    Xiao Li recently felt that her relationship with her boyfriend would never return to the past. All this has to start from their sexual life. Xiaoli feels that every time she gets close to her boyfriend, her excitement is very low. Every time she is not satisfied, her boyfriend is over. Gradually, she no longer expected to spend time with her boyfriend,

  • Is it too much sex for women to "relax below"? More or less will affect men and women

    Recently, Xiaomiao received a request from a female fan backstage: when she was sleeping with her boyfriend a few days ago, the sound of "poop poop" suddenly came from below, which was really embarrassing! Suddenly, I was afraid of sex life, and I was afraid that this phenomenon would occur in the future. Some people say it is caused by the relaxation of private parts. Is it true? But this year

  • Menopause is not necessarily a bad thing! Remind women: 3 health problems may leave you after menopause

    "Doctor, is it a wrong diagnosis? How can I get cancer if I get it right?" Ms. Sun said with difficulty. Ms. Sun, 51 years old, has been postmenopausal for almost two years. She thought it was nothing at first, but later she heard that the earlier the menopause, the faster the aging, and she has been worried about it. In the middle of last month, Ms. Sun first suffered from dull pain in her lower abdomen, and then came to menstruation again a few days later. At first, Ms. Sun was a little surprised

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    Qianqian, who is in her early 30s and has a pretty appearance, has been talking about marriage with her boyfriend who has been in love for many years. One day when she took a bath, Qianqian found her hair in her private part was strong and felt very embarrassed. When talking about this problem with her friend, she said, "It's said on the Internet that people with strong hair in their private places have strong sexual desire, and they don't like to treat it

  • Why do women urinate while standing in the bath? Besides being cool, there are three reasons. Don't be shy

    The backstage received a private letter from a netizen: I heard my girlfriend said that she likes to urinate standing when she takes a bath. Is this a quirk? From a common sense point of view, due to the influence of physiological structure, men and women have different urination positions. Men usually urinate standing, while women mostly urinate squatting or sitting. If women urinate standing

  • Why does "vaginal spasm" occur? Does it have a great impact on women's bodies? Need treatment?

    Ms. Liu married her husband on a blind date for more than half a year. After marriage, their sexual life has been not very harmonious. The reason is that every time Ms. Liu feels pain, her husband also understands that she thinks she is too nervous at the beginning, but she can't stand the fact that after half a year, there is still no harmonious intercourse between the two sides. The husband began to lose patience, and even

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Why do some women yearn for sex? There are only four reasons why men should not be afraid

Recently, Xiao Jiu received a private letter from a male fan backstage saying that his girlfriend's aunt came recently, but she always takes the initiative these days. I think her roommate is not good for her health at this time, but she has been teasing me all the time. If she doesn't cooperate, she is always angry, so I don't know how to do it. It would be good to comfort her for a few days

Article: female sex
When having sex, women's private parts always make a "poop poop" fart sound? It is mostly related to these four reasons

As a bachelor, I have a different attitude towards life and love from my best friend. She wants to pursue perfection in everything and even makes every effort for it. But I think it's better to try my best and treat myself better. A month ago, I didn't see her for half a year, but I just met her and found that she was not in good condition

Article: female sex
Female menopause at the age of 45 and 54, whose aging speed is faster? Tell the truth!

1、 Which is faster for women to age at 45 or 54 after menopause? The essence of menopause is ovarian failure. The follicles in the body are exhausted and do not grow. The follicles cannot produce enough estrogen and progesterone, and menstruation will also stop. Data shows that the average menopausal age of Chinese women is about 50 years old

Article: female sex
Why do some women have a strong desire for sex? It's just related to these four points. Don't be embarrassed

These two days, Ai saw a female fan friend backstage complaining about her husband's strong demand, and she couldn't resist: "She has been married for three years, and the baby is one year old, but her husband has a strong sexual desire. Except for the time when she was pregnant and gave birth to a baby, and the special days of each month, her husband has sex almost every night.

Article: female sex
Why Japanese women seldom get gynecological diseases? It may be related to these four factors and is worth learning

According to the survey of the World Health Organization (WHO), more than 96% of married women in China suffer from gynecological diseases of different degrees, and the incidence of common gynecological diseases is more than 87.6%. Japan, however, has only 28%. In East Asian countries, Japan can be said to be a very open country, but why should

Article: female sex
  • Why do some women yearn for sex? There are only four reasons why men should not be afraid

    Xiao Li recently felt that her relationship with her boyfriend would never return to the past. All this has to start from their sexual life. Xiaoli feels that every time she gets close to her boyfriend, her excitement is very low. Every time she is not satisfied, her boyfriend is over. Gradually, she no longer expected to spend time with her boyfriend,

  • Is it too much sex for women to "relax below"? More or less will affect men and women

    Recently, Xiaomiao received a request from a female fan backstage: when she was sleeping with her boyfriend a few days ago, the sound of "poop poop" suddenly came from below, which was really embarrassing! Suddenly, I was afraid of sex life, and I was afraid that this phenomenon would occur in the future. Some people say it is caused by the relaxation of private parts. Is it true? But this year

  • Menopause is not necessarily a bad thing! Remind women: 3 health problems may leave you after menopause

    "Doctor, is it a wrong diagnosis? How can I get cancer if I get it right?" Ms. Sun said with difficulty. Ms. Sun, 51 years old, has been postmenopausal for almost two years. She thought it was nothing at first, but later she heard that the earlier the menopause, the faster the aging, and she has been worried about it. In the middle of last month, Ms. Sun first suffered from dull pain in her lower abdomen, and then came to menstruation again a few days later. At first, Ms. Sun was a little surprised

  • If the hair under a woman is "luxuriant", the more "eager" she will be? How many people don't know the answer?

    Qianqian, who is in her early 30s and has a pretty appearance, has been talking about marriage with her boyfriend who has been in love for many years. One day when she took a bath, Qianqian found her hair in her private part was strong and felt very embarrassed. When talking about this problem with her friend, she said, "It's said on the Internet that people with strong hair in their private places have strong sexual desire, and they don't like to treat it

  • Why does "vaginal spasm" occur? Does it have a great impact on women's bodies? Need treatment?

    Ms. Liu married her husband on a blind date for more than half a year. After marriage, their sexual life has been not very harmonious. The reason is that every time Ms. Liu feels pain, her husband also understands that she thinks she is too nervous at the beginning, but she can't stand the fact that after half a year, there is still no harmonious intercourse between the two sides. The husband began to lose patience, and even

  • Why do women urinate while standing in the bath? Besides being cool, there are three reasons. Don't be shy

    The backstage received a private letter from a netizen: I heard my girlfriend said that she likes to urinate standing when she takes a bath. Is this a quirk? From a common sense point of view, due to the influence of physiological structure, men and women have different urination positions. Men usually urinate standing, while women mostly urinate squatting or sitting. If women urinate standing

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three Is lubricant harmful to both husband and wife? It's better for both men and women to understand
four When couples are "intimate", try not to kiss this "part", which may harm your health!
five Do you want to wash your ass with water after defecation? What harm will it do to your health if you persist in washing for a long time
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Breast cancer patient said: After the removal of breasts, my husband never looked at me directly, which was very different from the past

In addition to being the "top killer" threatening women's health, breast cancer is also one of the diseases that most test the relationship between husband and wife. In addition to facing the pain of cancer, breast cancer patients also have to bear a huge psychological blow. They may feel inferior due to the loss of breast after surgery, and may also be rejected by their husbands.

Article: female sex
Research has proved that some people are doomed to cheat! Does your partner have the gene of "cheating"?

Why do people always lose control of themselves and choose to cheat and pursue excitement? From a scientific point of view, people's bodies do hide some "restless sub factors"!

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Why do men love "cheating"? Only 0 and countless "derailments"? Research has found the answer

Dereliction is a word that everyone hates, but it is undeniable. It seems that it often happens around people. From the biological point of view, biology does have the nature of derailment, but this cannot be the reason for the rationalization of derailment. People who choose marriage should do a good job in order to live a happy life.

Article: female sex
If a woman's "empty window" lasts too long, she may cause these five problems, and it is hard to avoid them

What will women do if they are empty for a long time? The symptoms of women's long-term empty windows are very obvious. If there are more than three windows, you should pay attention to them.

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Eat more staple food and die faster? Is rice actually the "worst staple food"? It's time to tell you the truth

A balanced and healthy diet should include carbon water, protein, fat, etc., and staple food, which is rich in carbon water, is also the basis for us to obtain energy. From the perspective of comprehensive nutrition, hair can also make patterns on the basis of white rice, such as adding grains and beans. The two complement each other and eat more healthily.

Article: female sex
Only by sticking to the correct squat can you get twice the result with half the effort!

On the way to lose weight, I kept groping, went to the gym, asked for private education, and took turns with various equipment. Although the effect was moderate, the cost was not small. In fact, to lose weight, we can get twice the result with half the effort if we really master the core movements and rules. Today, for this purpose, we recommend a familiar action: squatting, let's go into the correct way to open squatting!

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Six ways to lose the belly and get rid of the image of "October pregnancy"

If you are also an office worker, you will gradually find that after a year or two, your belly will grow a lot of fat, which is affecting your image.

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It's cold, and once you wear thick clothes, you will be bloated? A way to make you thinner in winter

The weather is slightly cold, and I have more clothes to wear. The fat on my body is becoming more and more annoying. If you want to wear shorts, you also have long legs, and if you want to wear loose cotton padded clothes, you also look small and cute, so you can quickly join the ranks of weight loss, quickly lose fat, and get thinner day by day.

Article: female sex
If you eat lunch like this, who is fat?

A qualified diet lunch=coarse grains+high-quality protein+large amount of vegetables+a small amount of oil.

Article: female sex
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