domain name Domain name information of Access this domain name
"msv" It may also be relevant trademark Not registered. To prevent being occupied by others, it is recommended to register and protect it immediately! >>Registered trademark
domain name copy Contact Broker Query whether it is on sale
Registrant Cai Xiaolin copy
Contact email of registrant copy     >>Entrust Aliname to purchase on behalf
Registration Service Agency Alibaba Cloud Computing Ltd (Wanwang) copy     >>Transfer to the management of iName
Registration date 2013-11-23 copy
expiration date 2024-11-23 copy The expiration date of the domain name is only for reference. Please consult the registrar to confirm the actual expiration date. Failure to renew in time may lead to abnormal domain name access and affect the normal opening of the website.
Domain name status Ok copy
DNS server copy copy

Whois In short, it is a database used to query whether the domain name has been registered and the details of the registered domain name (such as the domain name owner, domain name registrar, domain name registration date and expiration date). Through the domain name Whois server query, you can query the contact information of the domain name owner, as well as the registration and expiration time. You can use Visit!

According to the rules of the Domain Name Registry, the domain name may be in the automatic renewal stage of the registrar after expiration. Whether the customer renews or not, the expiration date will show that the renewal has increased by one year

The expiration date displayed by whois is for reference only. If the domain name is not renewed after the automatic renewal period, it will be deleted. Please log in to your account to check the actual expiration time of the domain name and renew it in time!

Explanation on the implementation of domain name expiration deletion rules:

International domain name:

(1) The resolution will be suspended on the day of expiration. If it is not renewed within 72 hours, the DNS of the domain name will be modified to point to the advertising page (parking). 30-45 days after the domain name expires is the domain name retention period (different registrars have different policies)

(2) After the retention period, the domain name will enter the redemption period (REDEMPTIONPERIOD, 30 days)

(3) After the redemption period, the domain name will enter a deletion period of about 5 days. After the deletion period, the domain name will be open for anyone to register.

Note: Domain names that have entered the deletion period can be submitted on Domain name reservation Good domain names must be submitted for reservation. It is difficult to register manually.)

Explanation of domain name status: Click to view