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Fine decoration of Room 3 and Hall 2 of North South transparent Dongfang Hongrun Community

3 rooms and 2 halls | 119㎡ | High rise (17 floors in total) | North-south | Built in 2014 | Kang Bin

Dongfang Hongrun Community Dongming Middle School - No. 99, Tongyin Street

eighty-nine point nine ten thousand 7554 yuan/㎡

Yuhe River has good floors, wide view, sufficient lighting, convenient transportation and supporting facilities

3 rooms and 1 hall | 101.8㎡ | Middle floor (30 floors in total) | North-south | Built in 2019 | Zhan Yongqiang

Zijin Garden Southeast corner of the intersection of Beigong Street Jialejia - Yuanfei Road and Xuanwu Street

sixty-two point eight ten thousand RMB 6168/㎡

Multi story middle floor north-south transparent house type Founder has a key

2 rooms and 1 hall | 71.12㎡ | Middle floor (6 floors in total) | North-south | Built in 2004 | Zhan Yongqiang

Jindu Garden Zhongbai Supermarket Jindu Garden

thirty-three point nine ten thousand 4766 yuan/㎡

Fine decoration of Room 3 and Hall 2 of North South transparent Dongfang Hongrun Community

3 rooms and 2 halls | 150㎡ | Low floor (11 floors in total) | North-south | Built in 2014 | Kang Bin

Dongfang Hongrun Community Dongming Middle School - No. 99, Tongyin Street

one hundred and forty-eight ten thousand 9866 yuan/㎡

High tech 20W Zhongnan Xiyue with parking space Good floor Haichuang No.1 Dayou Family

3 rooms and 2 halls | 135㎡ | Middle floor (27 floors in total) | North-south | Built in 2021 | Guo Ping

Zhongnan Xiyue The northeast corner of the intersection of Weifang No. 1 Middle School Yingqian Street and Zhiyuan Road

one hundred and eighteen ten thousand 8740 yuan/m2

The top of the four storey elevator house beside Hansheng on the Changgu River has the same upper and lower area as the parking space

4 rooms and 2 halls | 196㎡ | Middle floor (6 floors in total) | North-south | Built in 2021 | Han Li

A great family The intersection of Weifang No. 1 Middle School Yingqian Street and Zhiyuan Road (east bank of Zhangmian River)

four hundred and fifty-eight ten thousand 23367 yuan/㎡

Newly released Dayou Family hardbound four bedroom Rolls Royce good floor Wuyue Plaza for sale

4 rooms and 2 halls | 142㎡ | Low floor (18 floors in total) | North-south | Built in 2020 | Guo Ping

A great family The intersection of Weifang No. 1 Middle School Yingqian Street and Zhiyuan Road (east bank of Zhangmian River)

one hundred and forty ten thousand 9859 yuan/㎡

The north-south transparent pattern, good floors, wide vision, sufficient lighting and convenient transportation

2 rooms and 1 hall | 82.05㎡ | Middle floor (7 floors in total) | North-south | Built in 2013 | Zhan Yongqiang

Zijin Garden Southeast corner of the intersection of Beigong Street Jialejia - Yuanfei Road and Xuanwu Street

forty-nine point eight ten thousand 6069 yuan/m2

The price of good houses is reduced, and there are lots of parking spaces on good floors. There are many families watching the house at any time

3 rooms and 2 halls | 135.87㎡ | Low floor (20 floors in total) | North-south | Built in 2021 | Guo Ping

Zhongnan Xiyue The northeast corner of the intersection of Weifang No. 1 Middle School Yingqian Street and Zhiyuan Road

one hundred and ten ten thousand 8095 yuan/m2

Price reduction, quick sale, free parking space, good floor, Hi tech Haichuang No. 1, watch the house at any time

4 rooms and 2 halls | 139㎡ | Low floor (20 floors in total) | North-south | Built in 2021 | Guo Ping

Zhongnan Poly Yuefu Weifang No. 1 Middle School - south of Baotong Street, Weifang City, east of Weixian Middle Road

one hundred and fifteen ten thousand 8273 yuan/m2

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