Brothers, 20 models of Maiteng 330. After collecting the car for a few days, I felt hot wind blowing on my face when I was in the driver's seat. At first, I didn't care. I thought the air conditioner was on. Later, I found that the air conditioner could not be turned on, but there was also obviously hot air. When I went to the 4S store, the maintenance worker said that it was because the external circulation was turned on, which brought the heat of the engine into the car. If it was internal circulation, there would be no hot air. Practice has proved that there is no hot air when opening internal circulation. But is this a normal phenomenon? In addition, it is said that the new car should use the external cycle. Is there any problem with driving the internal cycle for such a long time? Ask friends to answer!

2023-10-11 fabulous

Answer · 3

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Be close 2023-10-12

The cold wind at the meeting will be all right. I'm Sagittarius. It's just like this when you turn on the warm air. Even if you don't turn on the air conditioner, you can feel the hot air. Then the cold air in the meeting will be fine. As for why, I don't know

chenwei9939 2023-10-12

First of all, we should start from the principle of refrigeration and heating of automobile air conditioners

colorcoin 2023-10-11

Listen to the maintenance man Yes