Bora is finally going to reduce its price! Are Bora irons ready? According to reliable news, Qingdao FAW (summer break) has completely ended and is now working hard to produce Bora. It is said that all models under Bora are in sufficient production, and Bora's spring is coming! Tiezi, the chip shortage in September still had a certain impact on Bora, but it did not affect the output. So to sum up, the problem of Bora's price and sales will be gradually alleviated, and if the car is not in a hurry, it will wait, and the mid-term change will also come out years ago. Reliable message

2022-12-05 fabulous

Answer · 96

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sugerlala 2022-12-14

Bora's sales are too good. Go in and look at the car and say whether you want it or not

Milk sugar eros 2022-12-14

It is still in full production. Don't dream about it. Now the world is short of chips. Why do you have them? Now that the first Volkswagen factory in Changchun (the first factory produces Audi series A4L, A6L, Q5L) and the second factory (Maiteng, CC, Lanjing) are on holiday, is there a chip that will give priority to the production of Bora rather than the production of more advanced cars than Bora?

Zhu Xiaoqin 2022-12-14

I was going to start fast, but the price rise was unacceptable, so I turned to buy Regal. Now I think it's better for the public to raise the price, or I will regret it

Really? I'll wait a little longer. I want to buy Zishu's fourth son and give me an offer of 14. It scares me It's a big lion

peker000 2022-12-14

Don't you like buying modern and beautiful ones

It's true. If it goes up again, it depends on other cars

Bora used to measure cars for several months, but he was nervous when he couldn't keep up with the end of the year

vodking 2022-12-13

In the past, Bora could still be listed in the top ten, but now there is no other one in the top 20. The sales volume of the public has generally dropped by half. They were determined to rise rapidly, but suddenly the price increased by more than 10000. In the twinkling of an eye, Regal has gone. It is not the only brand that continues to be arrogant

cuijjciomp 2022-12-13

It's better to buy Imperial

cylijin 2022-12-13

I think it's better to keep raising prices