Copying Softwen

Our resources

It has a number of domestic media resources, covering most online media, professional and industrial media, large domestic portals, local information ports, professional web portals and other diversified media forms

Promotion process

Online Widgets

Baidu inclusion query

Website weight query


SEO Information

  • Baidu weight
  • Move Weight
  • 360 Weight
  • God horse
  • Sogou
  • Google PR

We Media

Penguin Kaidi Sohu Eastern Headlines Flush Big Fish snowball Zhihu A little information Yi Che Zhongjin Online Oriental Fortune bilibili Baijia Today's headlines

Soft message package

What can we do

Our advantages

It has a number of domestic media resources, covering most online media, professional and industrial media, large domestic portals, local information ports, professional web portals and other diversified media forms

Our customers

Including Internet, e-commerce, finance, short video, group buying and other industries

Industry information

Enterprise soft text Article Marketing Soft text case Event marketing Media resources Word of mouth marketing Q&A Marketing Soft text service

7 * 24-hour customer service hotline