Jindian Meiwen

    • Dancing butterflies and dancing

      The mountains are green in the distance, and the flowers and plants smell near. I wish to be a butterfly in the palm, dancing and dancing all my life. Still like to walk slowly along the road, such time is always good. Watching mountains, water, flowers and birds seems to be a kind of enjoyment. My eyes are mostly smiling, and my heart is becoming soft. A butterfly was dancing in front of my eyes. I reached out my hands and admitted that I wanted to catch it at the moment, but I didn't expect it. When I opened my hands, it was so cute and stood quietly in my palm. I didn't dare to make any moves

      Reading times: 70 times.

      29 sentences of wishes for a smooth life

      1. When the "Jingjingjing" solar term comes, I send a text message. It is a very important thing that is urgent, urgent, burning, burning. I want to ask you clearly: Why haven't you contacted me for so long? Hehe, I'm joking. Don't take it seriously. It's nothing serious. I just miss you. Send a text message to say hello. Wish "surprise" and happiness. 2. White chalk powder falls in waves. It whitens your black hair, but sets off your green youth more strongly

      Reading times: 25 times.

      119 classic quotations from the hard sentences of the takeaway boy

      1. Love you all the way and miss you every step; I am so happy with my bright eyes; Count the fleeting years, sweet because of you; Hand in hand forever, accompany this life. Love you is my destination. 2. Brew life into wine, use happiness as a bottle, use smile as a name, use harmonious composition, use comfortable coloring, and hire you to read messages as a forever wine taster. Happy New Year. 3. I will eat the flavor of hundreds of families first, and deliver Lingling at one point. 4. You don't need to go out to buy food. You can send it to me after you call

      Reading times: 191 times.

      67 birthday jingles with four words and eight sentences

      1. A comfortable and quiet old age, a kind of rest, a kind of pleasure, a kind of supreme enjoyment! I wish you happiness like the flowing water in the East China Sea and longevity like Nanshan! 2. It is easy to open a hundred years. Life is like the rising sun. Disaster is like the East China Sea. Longevity is like the North Mountain. There are fish every year. Benevolence and benevolence can make people healthy and alive. Pepsi Cola can open a door with great misfortune and happiness. 3. Vigorous, energetic, successful in academic studies, successful in the gold list, promising, rising to the top, rising to the top, rising from all corners of the world, lofty, ambitious, ambitious, further, happy

      Reading times: 26 times.

      20 Sentences about First Love in 20 Years

      1. The feeling of first love. It turns out that the more difficult it is to get, the more valuable it is. 2. First love is. Puppy love in the eyes of adults. We think of true love. 3. First love is like a pot of boiling water. No matter how boiling it used to be, it will turn into a pot of cold water after a period of time. 4. First love is a kind of emotional devotion that digs its own grave. It often has no results, but it buries itself deeply. 5. In the small matter of first love, the beauty lies in the ignorance of worldly affairs and future. Many years later, I met

      Reading times: 19 times.

      In the days when I left home, my kite broke 119 lines

      1. "A pile of big yuan treasures, not made of gold and silver. Delicious food is called delicacy, and every family's bun for the Spring Festival." Hey hey, I believe you have guessed it, it's dumplings. Eating dumplings during the Spring Festival is a unique traditional folk custom of the Han nationality. Because the shape of dumplings is similar to that of yuan bao, people have been given the good wish of "attracting wealth and treasure". My family can't avoid the custom of making dumplings on New Year's Eve. 2. It's not that I don't want to go home. It's just that the time is limited and the journey is too far. It's not that I don't want to go home. It's just that I have grown up and have to bear some things on my own. It's not that I don't want to go home

      Reading times: 17 times.

      211 selected positive energy sentences in the morning

      1.20 Success is as difficult as rising to heaven, and falling is as easy as burning hairs. 2.20 When you want to see yourself become better, you must make efforts by yourself. Good morning, good day! 3.20 When you look up to the success of others and complain about your mediocrity, in fact, it is your thinking that determines your life. So, put down your pessimism, put down your retreat, put down your myriad reasons, and work hard! good morning! 4.20 The struggle is that every day is difficult, but

      Reading times: 17 times.

      275 short sentences of blessing on Teacher's Day

      1. "Teach" is homophonic with "call", nickname: happy, happy, smooth, healthy. "Teacher" is homonym for "yes", scientific name: harvest, joy, happiness, and eternity. Teachers' Day, I wish you every success. 2.20 Happiness is blowing in all directions like the wind, shining brightly like snow, touching every corner of the world like the sun. Happiness is the gentle fall of rain. May happiness accompany you to old age, and I wish you a happy Teacher's Day! 3.20 Teacher, if I can fight against the blue sky, you gave me

      Reading times: 20 times.

      216 sentences selected for a trust and a responsibility

      1. What's 10 years worth? Don't you want to leave? After 10 years of training, we don't have the minimum understanding, let alone trust is selfish and only think about ourselves. 2.20 Don't you love anymore? Are you hurt? Feelings have faded, haven't they? What else can I trust? 3.20 In order to frame us, the devil often deliberately tells us the truth and gains our trust in small matters, and then we will fall into his trap at an important moment. 4.20 The responsibility of the sun is to illuminate

      Reading times: 385 times.

      97 sentences about growth, youth and pursuit of dreams

      1. "The trees stand on the green and bear the burden of the wind and rain." For thousands of years, we have managed the rebellious rivers, faced countless natural disasters, and resisted the foreign aggression of bandits... The path of the Chinese nation's growth is full of various foreseeable and unpredictable risks and challenges. 2. "Heaven moves healthily, and a gentleman strives for self-improvement." The reason why a nation is great is that it never gives up, does not retreat, does not stop moving in the face of any difficulties and risks, and perseveres to fight for its own future and destiny

      Reading times: 19 times.