Dr. Tortoise, President of Auto Beauty, Wang Fuquan's entrepreneurial history

2014-02-27 10:12:30   Source: China Franchise Network   5743 people participated
  • Business scope: automobile service
  • Number of stores: 3000
  • Single store investment: 1~5 ten thousand
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Wang Fuquan liked to help others since he was a child, but because his family was not rich, he often had more than he could do. This made his young heart have an increasingly strong desire: "We must become a successful person, so that we can help more people in need!"

As a child, Wang Fuquan loved machinery manufacturing, loved cars, and preferred to read various auto magazines. In the early 1990s, when the domestic auto beauty industry was still blank, he began to think that the early concept of auto beauty decoration in the United States was founded in 1926, so this industry must have a better market prospect. Wang Fuquan started from repairing and decorating his own car, devoted himself to research and learning, and founded Dr. Tortoise Auto International eiPof8vu3ox, an enterprise introducing the concept of car beauty service. After more than 10 years of efforts, it has developed into a well-known domestic brand of American car service, and created four distinctive car washing services, including desilting, scratch free, non dewaxing, and polishing. The professional term is "scratch free wax washing", and Wang Fuquan is honored as "the beauty of cars" in the industry.

After years of development, Dr. Tortoise Group has built more than 3000 car beauty and decoration eiPof8vu3ox stores nationwide, and has many well-known car beauty and decoration brands, including the Tortoise Jazz Car Beauty International eiPof8vu3ox, which is aimed at high-end people, the Tortoise Doctor Car Beauty eiPof8vu3ox, which is aimed at mass consumers, and the Jazz Express. The characteristic products and equipment independently developed by the enterprise, such as automatic car washing machine, polishing machine and other maintenance products, are more popular with consumers. After more than 20 years of exploration, practice and accumulation, Dr. Gui has created a series of projects, including body paint sealing and glaze care, body paint waxing care, fur seat care and repair, ozone sterilization and odor removal in the car, car interior cleaning and maintenance, scratch free wax washing, car quick repair and maintenance, car headlight polishing and repair, car glass crystal care Classic automobile quick repair service items such as automobile engine and chassis maintenance have won a good reputation.

Car beauty repair needs professional services. Only professional people can do professional things. Wang Fuquan believes that people engaged in the auto beauty industry must have professional attitudes, professional knowledge, professional standards, professional products and professional skills. He used a professional attitude to treat such simple things as car washing and waxing, and carefully studied the knowledge contained therein; Train every operator of eiPof8vu3ox store with professional knowledge; In the current situation that there is no standard in the automotive beauty and decoration industry, priority should be given to setting scientific and reasonable operation process standards in its more than 3000 eiPof8vu3ox stores; And according to the operation characteristics of each link of car beauty decoration, we develop and produce high-quality car beauty decoration products; Every practitioner in the training has a professional level of operation and service. Starting from details, skilled skills and high-quality services are reflected everywhere. "

After becoming a successful entrepreneur, Wang Fuquan began to devote more energy to helping others, especially those from poor families. Although the car beauty technology content is high, many of the workers in the Wangfuquan store are recruited from migrant workers, which also makes many migrant workers who once achieved low goals become skilled workers who achieve goals equivalent to white-collar workers. In 2010, the migrant worker contestant recommended by Dr. Gui won the championship in the final of the "Auto Beauty and Decoration Professional Skills Competition" jointly held by the TV agricultural channel and the Auto Decoration and Beauty Working Committee of the Automobile Maintenance Industry Association. Wang Fengling, the judge of the competition and the deputy secretary-general of the Automobile Maintenance Industry Association, sighed: "The migrant worker players cultivated by Wang Fuquan have demonstrated high-quality and high-level professional skills. He is worthy of being the beauty king of automobiles, and Dr. Gui is worthy of being the benchmark enterprise in the automobile beauty and decoration fast repair industry."

Wang Fuquan liked a paragraph in Laotse's Tao Te Ching: "The highest good is like water, water is good for all things without competition, so he is close to the Tao, lives in a good place, has a good heart, and is good with benevolence, good words, good governance, good words, good deeds, and good times. As a strategic partner of CCTV+Sunshine Avenue public welfare activities, At the beginning of 2010, Dr. Tortoise announced that he would provide less than 100 migrant workers with free car beauty and decoration skills training every year, and help them find jobs and start businesses. For more than a year, Wang Fuquan has enabled more and more migrant workers to truly enjoy benefits and sense of achievement in the process of employment and entrepreneurship.

Wang Fuquan often said, "Car beauty and human beauty are the same thing. The car body paint is just like human face. It needs to accept the baptism of nature, such as wind, sun, rain, etc. all the year round. The acid rain and acid snow generated by ultraviolet rays in the sun and industrial pollution will corrode the car body paint, which requires cleaning and maintenance of the car body." To clean and maintain the car, we need to train every operator with professional knowledge. In order to make these migrant workers without any foundation become experts in car beauty and decoration, he not only specially arranges his own training college with strong teachers to carry out targeted technical training, but also tries every way to help those migrant workers with entrepreneurial dreams realize their dreams.

Li Yuqi is an unknown female migrant worker. Her hand-painted "Dream Handicraft" has been widely circulated on the Internet. Her innocent dreams have touched countless young people who work outside. In order to help aspiring people like Li Yuqi realize their dreams quickly, Wang Fuquan, on behalf of Dr. Gui Group, extended a helping hand and donated a Dr. Gui car beauty decoration fast repair shop to Hengfeng County Government in Shangrao, Jiangxi Province, which is operated and managed by Li Yuqi. At the donation site, Gao Di, the general manager of Dr. Gui Group, said: "I hope this store can become an incubator for migrant workers to start businesses and find jobs in Hengfeng County, so that migrant workers who are interested in the automobile service industry in the whole region can receive vocational skills training free of charge and provide jobs for them. We want to make a store realize the dreams of countless people and achieve a happy life for thousands of migrant workers!" This is not only the voice of migrant workers in Hengfeng County, but also the voice of social caring people such as Wang Fuquan.

In Zheng'an County, a high standard poverty county in Guizhou Province, Dr. Gui Group also donated a car beauty service store for Zheng'an migrant workers as a demonstration shop for migrant workers' entrepreneurship brand, which also provides a qualified platform for local migrant workers to train and obtain employment. In addition, the domestic first-line painters with high artistic attainments in the cultural club of Dr. Tortoise Group also came to the party to splash ink and paint. All these works of art with artistic value and appreciation value were auctioned on the spot, and the donations were donated to migrant workers in Zheng'an to help them participate in vocational training and master their skills.

In addition, in 2009, Beijing Tortoise Doctor Auto Cleaning eiPof8vu3ox Co., Ltd. and Tortoise Jazz Auto Products (Beijing) Co., Ltd. under Tortoise Doctor Group submitted poverty alleviation project plans to the Poverty Alleviation Foundation, the Communist Youth League and the All China Women's Federation, respectively, to help farmers and poor families in poor areas in western China to carry out vocational skills training in car beauty and decoration.

So far, Sir Tortoise Training College has successfully completed thousands of free trainees of Sunshine Engineering from poor areas across the country. Most of them have successfully started their own businesses or found suitable jobs by virtue of their skills. Sir Tortoise's free professional skills training on car beauty and decoration has also achieved initial results.

Wang Fuquan often tells people around him to be grateful and strive to achieve the goal society. He said that many people helped me when my enterprise grew up, and now I hope to do my part to help people in need in the society. More importantly, the characteristics of car washing can involve many migrant workers and poor families, so our training must focus more on public welfare technical training. "I will always hold high the banner of public welfare, and with my own efforts, build a professional employment service place for migrant workers with a large scale of automobile maintenance industry, complete service functions, and supporting policies and measures." Wang Fuquan said.

Wang Fuquan often conveys the message from all levels of the company that, first of all, a person should respect his parents and work bravely in the society. With the growth of the enterprise, Wang Fuquan said that his current focus is to transfer more technology and experience to young people, make more contributions to the society, and assume the social responsibility of the enterprise. Over the years, he has been quietly working in one direction, that is, to do more public welfare undertakings. "Life without public welfare is not only bad, but also incomplete. I have regarded public welfare undertakings as an important part of my life, and an important manifestation of my life value!"

Wang Fuquan believes that public welfare cannot be a water without roots. If you want to make public welfare bigger, you can't just rely on donations. Only when we use our wealth to benefit more people and create greater social and economic benefits can such wealth be viable. The society provides a qualified and relaxed development environment for enterprises, and enterprises have the obligation to contribute to and assume responsibility for social progress and development. If more entrepreneurs and people can actively participate in various social charity activities, consciously assume their due social responsibilities, and become qualified corporate citizens for charity, it will be a win-win for enterprises and society. "We will try our best and believe that there will be more fellow travelers!"

Wang Fuquan helped not only migrant workers, but also soldiers, laid-off workers and other poor people who made contributions to society. Focusing on the needs of military and civilian reform and construction and the actual needs of the general military and civilian, he carried out extensive and in-depth support activities and launched the "Revitalization of Military Entrepreneurship Support Project". It is clear that anyone who holds the certificate of returning veterans and joins Dr. Tortoise at any level can receive a venture fund from the headquarters to support veterans to start their own businesses ranging from 3000 to tens of thousands of yuan. This project takes entrepreneurship and employment support as a breakthrough to guide and drive more demobilized veterans to find jobs and start businesses, and gradually establish a long-term mechanism to promote employment through entrepreneurship.

"The car is like its body, warming its heart" is the concept of Dr. Gui's car beauty decoration. "Giving roses, leaving fragrance in the hand" is Wang Fuquan's more devoted inner world. As a supporter and funder of the Warming Project, Dr. Gui Group, adhering to the guiding ideology of "serving the country and the people", has made important contributions to improving the professional skills of workers and helping people in poor areas shake off poverty and become rich, and has accumulated successful experience. In the future development, Dr. Tortoise Group will give full play to its own advantages, further mobilize all sectors of society to support public welfare undertakings, so that more people will benefit and society will be more harmonious. Wang Fuquan said, "When my title of" King of Auto Beauty Technology "is changed to" King of Auto Beauty Public Welfare ", it will be a happy and gratified time for me!"
 Sunshine Meicheng
  • five hundred and nineteen people Focus on car maintenance
  • eleven thousand one hundred and twelve people Consult car maintenance

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