he who knows does not speak Assembly No. Zhao Erdou

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The film Assembly, directed by Feng Xiaogang, is starred by Zhang Hanyu (playing Guzidi), Deng Chao (playing Zhao Erdou) and others, and is also adapted from the novel Litigation. It tells some battle stories in the era of China's liberation war. In the film, Zhao Erdou is careless
The speaker is ignorant and loyal

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The film Assembly, directed by Feng Xiaogang, is starred by Zhang Hanyu (playing Guzidi), Deng Chao (playing Zhao Erdou) and others, and is also adapted from the novel Litigation. It tells some battle stories in the era of China's liberation war. In the film, Zhao Erdou is careless

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Assembly No. Zhao Erdou was careless

The film Assembly, directed by Feng Xiaogang, is played by Zhang Hanyu (Gu

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