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What are the differences between win8 and win10

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Is 2015 the year of Windows renaissance? The Win10 operating system launched by Microsoft on July 29 this year is of great significance to Microsoft. Win10 has promoted the rise of Microsoft's empire, but it has brought a dilemma for end users. For example, some users have just become accustomed to Win8.1, so do they need to upgrade to Win10? Similarly, users of older Windows systems, XP and Win7 are also faced with the problem of upgrading to which version? We can't help asking: which is better, Win8.1 or Win10? What is the difference between the two? Who is the most suitable user?

For ordinary users, if you have not experienced the two operating systems Win8.1 and Win10, it is difficult to measure them from their appearance. In order to further understand the differences between the two operating systems, the author has recently personally experienced the two operating systems. This article will start from 10 points to explain the different features of the two operating systems in detail, and look forward to helping you when you choose and purchase the operating system.
1. Price comparison
For users, especially ordinary consumers, they are very sensitive to the price of products. Pricing strategy is directly related to the success of the product.
After the release of Win8.1, when Microsoft opened the pre-sale of Win8.1 in the United States, Win8.1 standard version was $119.99, and Win8.1 professional version was $199.99. The version and price of Win8.1 are consistent with those of Win8. In China, the price of the standard version is 888 yuan. For ordinary Chinese consumers, it is even more difficult to let them spend 888 yuan to buy the operating system.

The most significant change of Win10 is its marketing strategy. In the autumn of this year, all Windows 7 and 8/8.1 users will get one year's free upgrade time, which is obviously the most attractive marketing strategy for Windows products ever. This means that all old Microsoft users will be able to use Win10 for free, get rid of the poor reputation of Windows 8/8.1, and get a huge installed capacity at the first time, which will play a positive role in popularizing Win10 operating system.
2. Comparison of Win8.1 and Win10 supported devices
Microsoft has launched many versions of Windows. The familiar operating systems such as Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP and Windows 7 are all operating systems for PCs.
With the rapid development of mobile computing market, Microsoft realized the importance of mobile operating system and launched Windows Phone mobile operating system and Win8.1 operating system for PC and tablet markets. The usage habits of Windows Phone and Win8.1 are getting closer and closer. But they are still faced with operating systems in different fields and require mutually independent applications and software.

The launch of Win10 broke the system constraints of different platforms before. It can not only support traditional PCs, but also perfectly support tablet computers, smart phones, Xbox settings, etc.

In Windows10, users can get more cross platform applications and contact synchronization as always. Now there is more cloud music. You can collect your favorite music to OneDrive. The tools used are officially provided by Microsoft, not other third-party tools.
3. Win8.1 and Win10 start menu comparison
The "Start Menu" button is a very familiar function, which has been accompanied by the development of Windows system. However, when Windows 8 was released, this classic button was "taken down" by Microsoft. This change also made many netizens shout that they are not suitable, The reason why Windows 8 is not recognized has a lot to do with the removal of the Start Menu button.

In the Win8.1 operating system, Microsoft realized the importance of the "Start Menu" to the majority of netizens and made timely changes to restore the "Start Menu" to the system. In the latest Win10 technology preview, we can see the Start Menu on the classic Windows desktop.
Related Tutorial: Where is the Win10 start screen? Find the Win10 start screen method
What's the difference between the two? In fact, there is a big difference: in Win8.1, we click the switch menu and switch to the Windows start screen. Although this can play the same role as the start menu, it is still very uncomfortable for netizens who are accustomed to the traditional start menu mode.
The start menu of the latest Windows 10 has been further improved (www. * * *. net script home). We can see that the left part of the start menu is the list of newly opened programs and other things. The right part is very similar to the start page of Windows 8/8.1. This mini version page is attached to the right side of the start menu. The overall design meets the usage habits of different users and greatly improves the application experience of the Windows operating system. Try searching the local computer and the Web for relevant information.
4. Comparison of Win8.1 and Win10 application windows
In Win8.1, applications in the Windows Store will occupy the entire screen when opened, which allows users to see only one running window. For users who are familiar with the previous operation mode, this method will undoubtedly be very unsuitable, and will greatly reduce the appeal of Win8.1.

Win8.1 Application window interface
In Win10, applications downloaded from the Windows Store can be run under the window, so that several programs can be displayed on the page at the same time. For most users, this design can meet the needs of users to run multiple pages at the same time, greatly improving the application experience.
5. Virtual desktop function
In addition to multiple window displays, Win10 adds a task view button on the taskbar to help users display different programs. Click this button to quickly switch between multiple open software, applications, and files.

The running program is displayed in the middle of the screen, and a new desktop can be added in the black column below. Want to try it? If you are Win8.1, press and hold Alt+TAB, it is almost like this.
However, compared with Windows 8 and 8.1 (in fact, Windows 7 is also like this), through Alt+TAB, all windows are displayed on the current active window, and then switched. Win10 virtual desktop undoubtedly provides a better way to display.
6. Comparison of Win8.1 and Win10 software support
XBOX was developed by Microsoft. Xbox has many fans all over the world, and its combination with Windows is also an inevitable result. Among the many changes of the new Win10, the integration of the Xbox game platform is seen as a reflection of Microsoft's greater emphasis on the game business. The integrated Xbox game platform will bring Win10 game players more active social interaction experience.

The "My Game" in the software can display the games played by users in all terminals. At the same time, there are also content items of friend list, message and activity flow. You can also chat with Xbox Live users, upload game results and game videos. You can also comment, praise and share game videos.
7. Integration with Office software
Office software is a very important software in Windows system. Especially for enterprise users, using Office has become an inevitable thing. Users need to use Office software to deal with various events. It can be said that users can not do without Office software.
Before Win10, although the combination of system and office software has been strengthened, it has been relatively independent. The latest Win10Office office software is more deeply integrated with it, supporting more convenient cross platform sharing and use, which will be a very convenient experience for users.

In order to use mobile devices more smoothly, Office has greatly optimized the mobile version. It will be possible to experience Office on mobile phones. According to the on-site demonstration, Office exists more deeply in the system. Users can seamlessly connect the Office tasks on the PC end with the mobile end, and connect the unfinished work between different devices in real time.
8. Comparison of Win8.1 and Win10 voice support
When it comes to Cortana, we may not be familiar with it, but when we say that his Chinese name is "Microsoft Xiaona", we believe that many people will think of this smart thing. Cortana is the world's first personal intelligent assistant released by Microsoft. Cortana can be said to be Microsoft's attempt in the field of machine learning and artificial intelligence. It "can understand users' preferences and habits" and "helps users to arrange their schedules and answer questions.

Win10 built-in Cortana voice assistant
According to the live demonstration of the press conference, Cortana voice assistant integrated in Win10 and running on PC has a relatively good experience. It can not only find weather, retrieve users' applications and files, send and receive emails, search content online, but also learn more spoken user expressions.
There is no doubt that Cortana is closer to our ideal efficient and emotional voice assistant. Such functions undoubtedly enhance the use of Win10.
9. Win8.1 vs. Win10 browser
Internet Explorer is a browser that everyone is very familiar with. It is also a browser software bundled with the Windows operating system, so Internet Explorer has many users around the world. In Win10 system, Microsoft has adjusted IE browser, and now a new browser, version code Spartan, is available.

Win10 built-in code Spartan new browser
Spartan's interface is more concise on the whole, and its visual style even has the flavor of Google Chrome. It supports users to annotate and browse on the web page, and the screenshot function is also integrated into it more conveniently. At the same time, users can also easily share or send these contents to the desired place through the sidebar after comments.
10. Command prompt
For incoming users, the command prompt must be familiar. But before the release of Windows 10, the command prompt function was becoming smaller and smaller for ordinary users. Its tedious commands made it difficult for many users to enjoy the fun of using the system. In Windows 10, the command prompt has been greatly improved.

In the CMD command prompt of the past version, the shortcut keys that people often contact cannot be used. In the new version of CMD command prompt, it has been greatly improved. Win10's command prompt has added functions such as copy and paste. In addition, Win10's command prompt also adds a large number of new options and hotkeys, making it easier for users to execute commands and start software.
Comparative summary:
Through the comparison of Win10 and Win8.1 applications, we find that the difference between them is quite large. Win10 has advantages over Win8.1 in many aspects. It has learned the lessons of Win8.1 and greatly improved the application experience of Win10 operating system. At the same time, some small details have changed Win10. More importantly, the free upgrade strategy will greatly enhance the appeal of Win10. I believe that after the release of Win10, a large number of users will choose to upgrade to Win10. Generally speaking, compared with Win8.1, the editor is more optimistic about the launch of the new official version of Win10 system.
It depends on the user's personal preference whether Win8.1 or Win10 works well.
1、 WIN8.1
1. Compared with WIN7, WIN8 uses the METRO interface and WIN interface.

2. Support touch screen function.

3. Add Charm sidebar design, namely "super button";
On the Windows 8 operating system of personal computer, move the mouse to the bottom right corner or the top right corner of the screen, and then move up to display the Charm menu.
On the Windows 8 operating system of the touch pad, you can slide across the display screen from the right hand direction to display the Charm menu.
Features include:
Search: allows users to search the operating system or all applications;
Sharing: applications using search contracts can share data through this function;
Start: return the user to the start screen;
Device: displays the connected hardware devices;
Settings: Displays application settings and brightness, volume, restart, sleep, and shutdown options.

4. Microsoft launched an app store.

5. Windows 8 has many external cloud services, OneDrive is for the public, and Microsoft account (Windows account) can log in to obtain these services.
6. The optimization of the system by Windows 8 makes the computer have better endurance, faster startup speed and less memory consumption.
7. Connected Standby is a new power management system of Windows 8. That is, when the system enters the hibernation state, the applications will remain online with the network even though they are suspended.
8. The Refresh function restores some of the user's system files, making it more convenient and flexible for the huge and tedious restore operations in the future. In other words, this function will allow users to reinstall the system without backing up data in advance.
9. Windows 8 includes a new Hybrid Boot mode, which uses the advanced sleep function to replace the shutdown function. After integrating the existing startup mode and the new fast sleep/wake feature, the Windows 8 system can be turned into a sleep like state, while reducing the temporary data writing in memory, and greatly reducing the time for hard disk reading and initialization when starting up.

2、 WIN10
1. Start Menu
The familiar desktop start menu has officially returned to its original position in Windows 10, but it has added a modern style area to its start menu. The improved traditional style is organically combined with the new modern style.
The start menu of the traditional desktop not only takes into account the habits of Windows 7 and other old users, but also takes into account the habits of Windows 8/Windows 8.1 users. It still provides the start screen of the main touch operation.
2. Virtual Desktop
Multiple Desktops has been added to Windows 10.
This function allows users to use multiple desktop environments under the same operating system, that is, users can switch between different desktop environments according to their own needs.
Microsoft also added the suggested selection of application arrangement in the "Taskview" mode - that is, different windows will be displayed in the desktop environment with some recommended layout. Click the plus sign on the right to add a new virtual desktop.
3. App Store
4. Split screen multi window
Four windows can be placed on the screen at the same time, and Win10 will also display other running applications in a separate window. At the same time, Windows 10 will also intelligently give split screen suggestions. Microsoft has added a new "Snap Assist" button on the side of Windows 10,
5. Split screen multitasking
Through it, multiple applications with different desktops can be displayed here, and can be combined freely with other applications into a multi task mode.
6. Task management
A new key "Task View" appears in the taskbar.
In desktop mode, multiple applications and dialog boxes can be run, and you can switch freely between different desktops. All opened windows can be zoomed and arranged to facilitate users to quickly find the target task. Click this button to quickly preview all the applications opened in multiple desktops, and click one of them to quickly jump to this page. Traditional applications and desktop based Modern applications can be more closely combined in multitasking.
7. System user
Compared with the past practice of treating all users as beginners, Microsoft has taken special care of the habits of advanced users in the new Windows 10. For example, it has added support for the Paste key (Ctrl+V) in the Command Prompt - users can finally quickly paste folder paths directly in the command input window.
8. Notification Center
After the 9860 version of Windows Technical Preview Build, the action center (notification center) function is added, which can display information, update content, e-mail, calendar and other messages, and collect information from Windows 8 applications, but users cannot respond to the received information. After 9941, the notification center also has a "quick operation" function, which provides quick access settings or switch settings.
9. Upgrade mode
After the 9860 version of Windows Technical Preview Build, Microsoft allows users to choose the frequency of receiving the latest test version. You can select fast and slow settings. Users can set the former to receive the test version quickly, but there may be bugs; The latter has low frequency but relatively high stability.
10. Microsoft Edge Browser
In Windows 10, Internet Explorer will coexist with Edge browser. The former uses the traditional typesetting engine to provide compatibility support for older versions; The latter uses a new typesetting engine to bring a different browsing experience. At the Build 2015 conference, Microsoft proposed to officially name this new browser, code named Sparta, Microsoft Edge. This means that in Windows 10, IE and Edge will be two different independent browsers, with clear distinction between functions and purposes.
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