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Real GT Neo6 SE (8GB/256GB)

The third generation Snapdragon 7+flagship core, 6000nit without dual screen, 5500mAh ultra long endurance

Received price: one thousand seven hundred and eighty-nine purchase

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Ask mobile phone manufacturers to stop producing boring electronic garbage!

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User comments

  • ttia50 2024-05-29

    In the past two years, it seems that the high-end computers have not dived much. It seems that the big divers are all middle and low end machines.

  • tanrium 2024-05-28

    These people also have their own positioning. It can't be said that either they need or e-waste

  • 0olisn 2024-05-28

    The processor is just one of the indicators that affect the price. Huawei's used processors still sell for eight or nine thousand yuan. So is the processor valuable? The bigger problem is the manufacturer

  • Find Lao Yang to cure Internet addiction 2024-05-28

    It was Qualcomm's own sin in those days. Now it's hard to go back and make up for it. Until 2020, the high-end and mid end of Qualcomm processors have been clearly divided. E.g. 820/625 835/660 845/710 855/730 865/765g But it was 888 that upset all the plans. 888 is too bad. Qualcomm had to do an 870 rescue. Snapdragon 8 has another bad generation and is eager to update the 8 rescue fields for half a generation. This has led to the chaos of Qualcomm's own product line. The second year after the flagship of the previous generation retired to the middle end, the middle and low-end product lines would be out of order. At present, 1000-2000 is full of demons, including 6g1, 7sg2, 7g3, 7g3, 8sg3, and even 8g2. In the final analysis, the temporary decision of that year has harmed the layout behind. QUALCOMM's intention to correct this year is obvious, otherwise the Android factories would not compete for praise. But this correction is not so easy

  • Warm Wine Chop Huateng 2024-05-28

    Therefore, the positioning of the z9turbo is very good. It does not focus on absolute performance, but focuses on long endurance and screen. Turbo3 has no cost performance

  • Beaten Kung Fu superstar 2024-05-28

    I want to buy one within 2000 yuan Good cell phone signal Accurate positioning Mobile phones with screens Good heat dissipation Is there any recommendation?

  • Three minute hot player 2024-05-28

    For recommendation, I struggled to read online reviews on iqooz9turbo and Hongmi k70, saying that the k70's endurance was poor and there were many bugs in the surging system, but the chip of z9turbo is said to be very ordinary, so please tell the real experience to the knowledgeable tycoon or the users of these two phones, thank you!

  • Bing Xue, Sister Zhao Ming 2024-05-28

    I think these phones are all very good. It depends on what people need. For example, the z9 special feature is enough for family

  • Cook's Android phone 2024-05-28

    At present, the Z9Turbo has good performance, strong endurance, and a good price recently. It really tastes like a doorman at the same price

  • Cook's Android phone 2024-05-28

    Lovely diligent At present, the Z9Turbo has good performance, strong endurance, and a good price recently. It really tastes like a doorman at the same price

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