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Contact information of anhydrous calcium chloride manufacturer Panjin anhydrous calcium chloride manufacturer

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Item Details

Mother liquor method:
The mother liquor method is made by adding lime milk to the mother liquor from the soda ash production by ammonia soda method to obtain an aqueous solution, which is evaporated, concentrated, cooled and solidified.
Practical experience of mother liquor method

Identification method editing and broadcasting
Prepare 10% sample solution (calculated by anhydrous calcium chloride CaCl2), and its calcium (IT-10) and chloride (IT-12) tests are positive.

Allergic disease;
Rescue of magnesium poisoning;
Rescue of fluorosis;
Application during cardiac resuscitation, such as rescue of cardiac dysfunction caused by hyperkalemia, hypocalcemia, or calcium channel block.

Specification: injection: 0.3g (10mL), 0.5g (10mL), 0.6g (20mL), 1g (20mL) [19]
Children's medication:
Generally, this product is not used for children.

Adverse reactions:
Intravenous injection may cause systemic fever, and too fast intravenous injection may cause nausea, vomiting, arrhythmia and even cardiac arrest. Hypercalcemia can be manifested as constipation, drowsiness, persistent headache, loss of appetite, metallic taste in the mouth, abnormal dry mouth, etc. in the early stage, and mental disorder, hypertension, light sensitivity of eyes and skin, nausea in the late stage.

Intravenous injection of 10% calcium chloride solution can be used to treat hypocalcemia, and calcium chloride can also be used to treat magnesium poisoning. It was found that injection of calcium chloride solution could antagonize cardiac toxicity through ECG measurement. In the case of high serum potassium concentration caused by hyperkalemia, calcium chloride can protect the myocardial layer and prevent arrhythmia. As a regular drug in the emergency room of American hospitals, calcium chloride can be used to quickly treat calcium channel blocker poisoning (this poisoning can be caused by the side effects of taking the drug diltiazem, which prevents heart disease) and poisoning caused by hydrofluoric acid, but it has no effective effect on poisoning caused by the bite of black widow spiders. Calcium chloride sodium bromide injection is approved by the State Food and Drug Administration as a water electrolyte regulator in China.

Next: Contact information of anhydrous calcium chloride manufacturer Heihe anhydrous calcium chloride manufacturer
Detailed introduction of "Anhydrous calcium chloride manufacturer contact information Panjin anhydrous calcium chloride manufacturer" provided by Wuhai Jinhao Trading Co., Ltd
Wuhai Jinhao Trading Co., Ltd
Main products: anhydrous calcium chloride, sodium carbonate, sodium sulfate, sodium bicarbonate
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