Excel Extract Number Function - Four Methods of Excel Extract Number - Technical Articles

Excel Extract Digital Functions - Four e

1. Get on the left. Type the formula calculation in the B4 table:=LEFT (A4, 2). Function: Left (text, [num_chars]) Main parameter 1: string array to be obtained. Main parameter 2: the number of characters to be obtained, 1 if omitted. Main function: returns a specific number of identifiers from the first identifier of a text string array. 2. Get it properly. Enter the formula calculation in C4 of the table:=right (A4, 2). Function: Right (text, [numeric character]) Main parameter 1: string array to be obtained. Main parameter 2: Number of characters to get, false
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 Excel Extract Number Function - Four Methods of Excel Extract Number - Technical Articles  Excel Extract Number Function - Four Methods of Excel Extract Number - Technical Articles
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