dispense according to ment

My superpower reminds me

make one last stand before the city wall

You are my star, but I am thousands of years away from you.

Elbow and knee step

In the silent summer rain, the summer insects have been silent since then, without the song of cicadas, the secret words of bees, and more frogs.


It is one thing to keep in touch with God, and they all agree with this, but it is another thing to let God stay around 24 hours a day. (Article 22 Military Regulations)

Go to the ground every day

Hope is born in hard work and great achievements are achieved in persistence.

be frightened out of one's wits

Please borrow a treasured sabre to make him die and close his eyes. It's just my Concubine Yu.

E'e Soup

Live up to time, live up to yourself, live up to love, live up to love

Pick a star to sleep

Little guy, you want to sneak out and wander the Jianghu. Finally, I came back because I was hungry, just like this.

Crowded hillside fy

The sun says that love is red, full of passion and passion; The sea says love is blue, full of romance and warmth; But I said that love is a colorful picture that we use the brush in our hands to describe together!

For your love 1708

"This rain may be more romantic without an umbrella"

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