[Big country and small fresh food @ new development concept] Zhengzhou Equality Street: promote smart elderly care in the transformation of the district

2021-07-07 12:56 Source: Economic Daily - China Economic Network

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During the 14th Five Year Plan period, China will enter the stage of moderate aging. It has become an important demand for people's livelihood to build a friendly community environment for the elderly and make the elderly care at home safer, more comfortable and more high-quality. The demonstration area of Equality Street, located in the old city zone of Zhengzhou, Henan Province, has realized the co governance of roads and hospitals through urban reconstruction since 2020, and assisted the intelligent elderly care with "Internet+". The residents in the area have a stronger sense of gain, happiness and security.

The picture shows the street view of Equality Street. (Photographed by Deng Hao, reporter of China Economic Network)

The reconstruction of old residential areas is a livelihood project that the masses pay close attention to and eagerly hope for, and it expresses the people's yearning for a better life. "It's up to the masses to decide what to change and how to change it." Zhao Yu, secretary of the Party Working Committee of West Street Street in Zhengzhou City, introduced to the reporter of China Economic Network that there are 21 buildings and courtyards in the demonstration area of Pingping Street, including three communities such as Pingping Street Community. Most of the buildings and courtyards were built in the 80's of the last century. This transformation covers an area of 232400 square meters, involving more than 3000 residents. In the reconstruction of the area, the government focused on the problems of people's "urgent needs" such as difficult drainage, parking, travel and pension, solicited more than 2000 opinions from the people, sorted out and summarized 10 major and 35 minor reconstruction projects such as rainwater and sewage reconstruction, ground hardening and illegal demolition, and accurately implemented the reconstruction project on this basis.

It is understood that, in view of the large number of lonely elderly and elderly living alone in the area under its jurisdiction, the Pingping Street Demonstration Area has newly built a community elderly care service center with an area of nearly 1000 square meters, introduced professional elderly care institutions for operation and management, and set up a series of functional rooms such as "health cabin", "elderly dining room" and "recreation room" to provide meals 10 convenient services such as bath aid and TCM health care.

On the big screen of the smart community management platform of Equality Street, all kinds of social information within the jurisdiction are displayed. (Yu Hezhang, reporter of China Economic Network/photo)

According to Zhang Bin, secretary of the General Party Branch of the Equality Street Community, the center has also established a smart elderly care platform, which can conduct big data analysis on various indicators of the elderly, and provide abnormal notification, real-time monitoring, emergency assistance and other services. In case of emergency, the elderly in the area can contact the staff for help at the first time through the smart pension system. By using the intelligent cat's eye or door magnet, the system can give a timely warning to the abnormal behaviors of the elderly in the area where they have lived for a long time or left for a long time. "The renovation of the area has fully considered the aging, and some buildings do not have the conditions to install elevators, so we added handrails and small stools on the half floor to facilitate the elderly to rest," said Zhang Bin.

The picture shows the aging renovation in the building. (Photographed by Deng Hao, reporter of China Economic Network)

"We also provide assistance and agency services in the community by connecting to the big data platform in the city, such as taking provident fund, annual examination of the elderly bus pass, etc." Zhang Bin told China Economic Network reporter, "If we can take more steps on the Internet, we should let the masses run less." (Reporter Deng Hao Yu Hezhang)

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[Editor in charge: Li Zhuo]

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