[Big country, small fresh food @ new development concept] Qilu Pharmaceutical: innovation leads development and uses technology to express love

2021-05-28 09:40 Source: Economic Daily - China Economic Network

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Jinan, China Economic Network, May 28 (Reporter Nian Wei and Deng Hao) "Innovation is advancing with the times. In the past, when we were short of medicine, we made generic drugs to meet clinical needs, which is itself an innovation. With the continuous development of the times, people have a higher demand for health. We should have such a spirit of responsibility, do something that others can not easily do, and do well in innovative medicine. " Li Yan, president of Qilu Pharmaceutical Group, said in an interview with China Economic Network.

Qilu Pharmaceutical Group's drug booth, reporter Nian Wei from China Economic Network/photo

Li Yan believes that innovation is necessary for enterprise transformation and upgrading. The reporter from China Economic Network has learned that Qilu Pharmaceutical has spent 6% - 8% of its sales revenue on R&D every year in the past decades. In recent years, with the increase of R&D investment, this proportion has continued to increase. In 2021, the R&D investment will reach 3.9 billion yuan, accounting for 12% of the sales revenue of the year.

According to data, Qilu Pharmaceutical has built four innovation centers in Seattle, San Francisco, Boston and Shanghai since 2014. At present, Qilu Pharmaceutical has 46 drugs listed for the first time or exclusively in China, and 5 drugs have won the second prize of National Science and Technology Progress Award. At the same time, following the development trend of international innovative drugs, the company has established five major research and development platforms of Sino US linkage, integrated global high-quality resources, and continued to develop "new" and "good" drugs in the world.

"We are working hard from following to running together, and the future goal is to lead." Li Yan introduced that Qilu Pharmaceutical today not only has an internationally leading research and development team, but also has more than 2000 full-time researchers, including more than 100 industry leaders with international vision and rich experience in innovative drug research and development. The company has also continuously strengthened the depth of cooperation with the world's advanced companies, and has established a long-term stable cooperative relationship with international pharmaceutical giants.

"Our company has a slogan that is' express our love with technology '. I think the company should shoulder the responsibility of giving back to the society. Technology has its temperature, and our goal is to use better products to alleviate patients' pain, so that patients' lives are also dignified." Li Yan said.

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[Editor in charge: Li Zhuo]

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