high officials and noble lords

Ordinary people are rare—— Guo Yingxiang's Drunk Down, Bingyin Mid Autumn Festival

convey ambition through poems

If someone else has it, it's better to have it yourself, because you can do what you want.

a cool breeze felt by all the guests

If life gives me countless faces, I will always choose the most painful one to touch.

According to Anshu

The sky can be filled, the sea can be filled, and the mountains can be moved. The sun and the moon pass by, and cannot be recovered—— Zeng Guofan

rape and loot

The wind is light, the rain is crystal clear, and the family and country love each other; Bitterness is tasted, tiredness is shouldered, life is too hasty, success is good, failure is heroic, ice heart knows how much, the sunset is red, the evening wind is light, father love is as precious as a mountain.

Go and live in a dilemma

I like you. When I see the stars all over the sky, I will save a pocket of stars for you

love all the people and animals

Sometimes, love is also a kind of hurt. Cruel people choose to hurt others, good people choose to hurt themselves.

Bamboo arrow

Even though many people left traces on that place, I firmly believe that they did not reach the top - Lu Xun

Cui Yueting

Along the way, the scenery is not important, but you are beside me! I feel like old friends at first sight, which is the most beautiful encounter in my life.

Zhejiang No.1 affectionate and handsome

Today, when I was eating in the canteen, a man bumped into me, and the porridge was directly sprinkled on me. At that time, I was so angry that I just turned around to scold. When I saw that it was my sister, who was quite pure, I couldn't bear to scold. Then I said, "It's OK. I'll go back to my bedroom and change my clothes." Just about to leave, she pulled my sleeve and said, "You pay for my porridge."

Shenzhen Engineering Biology Industry Innovation Center

Shenzhen Engineering Biology Industry Innovation Center is jointly established by Guangming District Government and Shenzhen Advanced Institute of Chinese Academy of Sciences, with the Institute of Synthetic Biology of Shenzhen Advanced Institute taking the lead

Shenzhen Pingshan Yanzihu International Convention and Exhibition Center - Thousand People Conference Center - Shenzhen East Convention and Exhibition Center - Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao Exhibition Schedule

Shenzhen Pingshan Yanzihu International Convention and Exhibition Center is a conference center for thousands of people in Shenzhen, a conference center in eastern Shenzhen, and a conference center for Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao

Shenzhen Guangming Auto City Investment Co., Ltd

Shenzhen Guangming District Auto City Investment Co., Ltd., a state-owned enterprise in Guangming District, was founded on April 28, 2020 with a registered capital of 100 million yuan

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