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Yesterday's closing: - Opening today: - Maximum price: - minimum price: -
Market value: - RMB 100 million circulation: - deal: - Hand to hand: -
Historical data:   two thousand and twenty-four    two thousand and twenty-three    two thousand and twenty-two    two thousand and twenty-one    two thousand and twenty    two thousand and nineteen    two thousand and eighteen    two thousand and seventeen    two thousand and sixteen    two thousand and fifteen    two thousand and fourteen  
Luyang Energy Conservation (002088) Cash Flow Statement
Unit: 10000 yuan
Report date 2024-03-31 2023-12-31 2023-09-30 2023-06-30 2023-03-31
1、 Cash flows from operating activities
Cash received from selling goods and rendering services 82,996.81 313,419.29 232,711.16 156,525.17 78,905.68
Refunds of taxes three hundred and fifty-six point zero eight 2,304.13 1,849.13 1,140.61 three hundred and forty-seven point nine seven
Other cash received relating to operating activities two hundred and forty-seven point six zero 9,237.10 8,187.07 5,540.45 nine hundred and sixty-three point zero three
Subtotal of cash inflows from operating activities 83,600.48 324,960.52 242,747.36 163,206.24 80,216.68
Cash paid for goods and services 53,337.25 185,153.85 146,221.16 100,368.60 58,158.53
Cash paid to and for employees 12,999.12 44,948.94 31,682.66 22,675.16 11,425.21
Various taxes paid 2,924.22 23,548.03 18,555.84 12,150.37 7,506.06
Other cash paid relating to operating activities 6,563.48 38,225.10 22,800.82 16,395.85 9,001.85
Subtotal of cash outflow from operating activities 75,824.07 291,875.92 219,260.48 151,589.97 86,091.65
Net cash flow from operating activities 7,776.41 33,084.60 23,486.87 11,616.27 -5,874.97
2、 Cash flows from investing activities
Cash received from investment recovery -- -- -- -- --
Cash received from investment income -- -- -- -- --
Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets -- three hundred and thirty-five point six one eighty-two point five nine sixty-nine point nine zero one point two six
Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries and other business units -- 10,500.00 10,500.00 10,500.00 10,500.00
Other cash received relating to investment activities -- -- -- -- --
Subtotal of cash inflows from investment activities -- 10,835.61 10,582.59 10,569.90 10,501.26
Cash paid for purchase and construction of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets 2,548.47 13,750.81 6,591.44 3,645.55 1,722.19
Cash paid for investment -- -- -- -- --
Net cash paid to acquire subsidiaries and other business units -- -- 17,904.72 -- --
Other cash paid relating to investment activities -- -- -- -- --
Subtotal of cash outflow from investment activities 2,548.47 13,750.81 24,496.16 3,645.55 1,722.19
Net cash flow from investing activities -2,548.47 -2,915.20 -13,913.57 6,924.35 8,779.07
3、 Cash flow from financing activities
Cash received from investment absorption -- -- -- -- --
Including: cash received by subsidiaries from absorbing minority shareholders' investment -- -- -- -- --
Cash received from borrowings -- 1,104.36 seventy-seven point nine zero -- --
Cash received from issuing bonds -- -- -- -- --
Other cash received related to financing activities -- 16,848.88 -- -- --
Subtotal of cash inflows from financing activities -- 17,953.24 seventy-seven point nine zero -- --
Cash paid for debt repayment -- -- -- -- --
Cash paid for distribution of dividends, profits or interest payment -- 40,507.73 40,506.61 40,506.61 thirty point one two
Including: dividends and profits paid by subsidiaries to minority shareholders -- -- -- -- --
Other cash payments related to financing activities sixty-three point eight seven 47,270.88 four hundred and ten point eight seven two hundred and seventy-four point four eight sixty point nine six
Subtotal of cash outflow from financing activities sixty-three point eight seven 87,778.61 40,917.48 40,781.08 ninety-one point zero eight
Net cash flow from financing activities -63.87 -69,825.37 -40,839.57 -40,781.08 -91.08
4、 Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents -8.91 one hundred and twenty-five point nine one three hundred and thirteen point eight one five hundred and eighty-six point eight nine -53.94
5、 Net increase in cash and cash equivalents 5,155.16 -39,530.06 -30,952.46 -21,653.57 2,759.08
Plus: Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period 59,491.45 99,021.51 95,403.49 95,403.49 99,021.51
6、 Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period 64,646.61 59,491.45 64,451.03 73,749.91 101,780.59
note appended
Net profit -- 49,016.71 -- 24,748.54 --
Minority shareholders' equity -- -- -- -- --
Unrecognized investment loss -- -- -- -- --
Provision for asset impairment -- 1,690.91 -- two hundred and eighty-one point eight nine --
Depreciation of fixed assets, depletion of oil and gas assets, and depreciation of productive materials -- 8,928.48 -- 3,839.66 --
Amortization of intangible assets -- nine hundred and sixty-eight point two nine -- three hundred and ninety-three point four nine --
Amortization of long-term deferred expenses -- two hundred and forty-six point eight eight -- ninety-six point five zero --
Decrease of deferred expenses -- -- -- -- --
Increase in accrued expenses -- -- -- -- --
Losses on disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets -- twenty-two point one eight -- -0.19 --
Loss on retirement of fixed assets -- -- -- six point four two --
Loss from changes in fair value -- -- -- -- --
Increase in deferred income (less: decrease) -- -- -- -- --
Estimated liabilities -- -- -- -- --
Financial expenses -- -65.36 -- seven hundred and twenty point zero four --
Investment loss -- -- -- -- --
Decrease in deferred income tax assets -- -513.93 -- -9.06 --
Increase in deferred income tax liabilities -- -31.56 -- four point two nine --
Decrease of inventory -- 6,101.25 -- 1,546.78 --
Decrease in operating receivables -- -14,373.62 -- 5,216.79 --
Increase in operating payables -- -19,344.88 -- -25,083.87 --
Decrease of completed but unsettled accounts (less: increase) -- -- -- -- --
Increase in settled but not completed accounts (less: decrease) -- -- -- -- --
other -- -220.79 -- -387.80 --
Net cash flow from operating activities -- 33,084.60 -- 11,616.27 --
Debt converted into capital -- -- -- -- --
Convertible corporate bonds due within one year -- -- -- -- --
Fixed assets under financing lease -- -- -- -- --
Closing balance of cash -- 59,491.45 -- 73,749.91 --
Opening balance of cash -- 99,021.51 -- 95,403.49 --
Closing balance of cash equivalents -- -- -- -- --
Beginning balance of cash equivalents -- -- -- -- --
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents -- -39,530.06 -- -21,653.57 --
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