15 Bo Zu 02 sz112284 Ordinary corporate bonds - fixed interest rate
Price: one hundred
Turnover: --
Nominal interest rate (%): five point five zero
expire: 2020-09-22
Residual maturity: -4.02
Yield to maturity (%): four point three three
Basic information
Bond name Bohai Leasing Co., Ltd. publicly issued corporate bonds to qualified investors in 2015 (Phase II)
Bond abbreviation 15 Bo Zu 02
Bond code sz112284
Bond type Ordinary corporate bonds
Face value of bonds (yuan) one hundred
Bond life (year) five
Nominal interest rate (%) five point five
due date 2020-09-22
Cashing date 2020-09-22
Delisting day --
Interest accrual method Fixed interest rate
Interest rate description The default range for the inquiry of the coupon rate of this bond is 4.50% - 5.50%. The final annual coupon rate will be determined by the issuer and the lead underwriter through consultation within the above interest rate inquiry range according to the offline inquiry results.
Interest payment method Periodic interest payment
Value date 2015-09-22
Stop date 2020-09-21
Interest payment date 09-22
Annual interest payment times one
Issuing price (yuan) one hundred
Issuance scale (100 million yuan) five
Issue Date 2015-09-22
Listing date 2022-12-12
Listing place Shenzhen Exchange
credit rating AAA
Internal credit enhancement method --
External credit enhancement method --