Natal chart
Name: Select data from archives
Gender: b Male B female
Geographic scope: b China B world
Birthplace: K K
Longitude: K K K E W
Latitude: K K K N S
time of birth: K K K
D Daylight saving time or not
Please fill in your name
Gender: b Male B female
Geographic scope: b China B world
Birthplace: K K
Longitude: K K K E W
Latitude: K K K N S
time of birth: K K K
D Daylight saving time or not
Gender: b Male B female
Geographic scope: b China B world
Birthplace: K K
Longitude: K K K E W
Latitude: K K K N S
time of birth: K K K
D Daylight saving time or not
Please fill in your name
Gender: b Male B female
Geographic scope: b China B world
Birthplace: K K
Longitude: K K K E W
Latitude: K K K N S
time of birth: K K K
D Daylight saving time or not
Pushing time: K K K
Please fill in your name
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