Personality test should not be a "hard lever" for enterprise recruitment

2024-06-18 16:13 Source: China Economic Network
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(Editor in charge: Wu Xiaojuan)

Personality test should not be a "hard lever" for enterprise recruitment

16:13, June 18, 2024     Source: China Economic Network    

   News background:

"After three rounds of interviews, I got stuck in the personality test.".

   Can personality tests really screen job seekers?

As a psychological testing tool, personality testing aims to evaluate and classify the psychological characteristics, personality characteristics, behavior habits, etc. of testers through a series of standardized questions. The original intention of introducing personality test in enterprise recruitment is to better understand the psychological quality of job seekers, so as to judge whether they are suitable for specific positions. However, the scientificity and fairness of this evaluation method are controversial. detailed

Taking MBTI as an example, this is a personality test developed by the American writer Isabel Briggs Myers and her mother Catherine Cook Briggs in the 1940s. Although it has a psychological theoretical background, its scientific nature has always been controversial. Research has found that the correlation between MBTI types and various job performances is very weak. It measures preference rather than ability, just like a person likes to think but is not good at thinking. detailed

   Personality test should not be a "hard lever" for enterprise recruitment

For employers, "a lifetime determination" is likely to miss "the most suitable person". In real life, there are countless examples of job seekers being "killed by mistake" by personality tests. In addition, if the job seeker has figured out the routine of personality test and answered the questions "to what he likes", how much reference value does the test result have? detailed

The test is a test after all, which can only reflect the respondents' short-term psychological state. In the long run, people's personality may change due to information acquisition, work environment, life experience and other conditions. It is not objective and reasonable to rely on a questionnaire to find out a person's personality characteristics, or even to screen job seekers. The Labor Law and the Employment Promotion Law stipulate that employers shall not set up regulations irrelevant to their posts to restrict equal employment of job seekers. To say the least, even if the employer takes the personality test as a part of the assessment, it should consider carefully to ensure fairness and impartiality, rather than "one vote veto". detailed

   Pay more attention to the personal ability of job seekers

Recruitment and employment is not a "one shot deal". Working skills are the key to determine whether we can work together for a long time. If an employer wants to recruit talented people, it should also consider the candidates' work experience, educational background, work skills and other aspects in the recruitment process, and focus on the individual abilities of job seekers. detailed

Some posts need warm communication and promotion, and some posts need to "sit on the bench" and work hard. Only when employers give job seekers more choice and voice, and improve the mobility mechanism between posts, can the contradiction between the needs of employers and the personality of job seekers be bridged to the greatest extent. detailed

   (The above comprehensive Nanfang Daily, Guangzhou Daily, Yanzhao Evening News, Yangcheng Evening News)

   V perspective:

@Bounce: It's easy to cheat after studying. This test is not for you to tell the truth. You have to choose the answer that suits the company.

@Muxurou: Another reason for "no you" has come out.

@Cherry Blossom Rain Offering Wine: I will not go to any company that requires testing.

@Ow a mouthful of MaoMaoNing: Fortunately, the boss doesn't believe in blood type, constellation, fortune telling and bone touching, otherwise he will have to arrange a set.

   Editor's Note:

It is understandable that employers adopt personality tests to improve job matching, but individual employers use the results to "hammer out the final word", which is not reliable and is more suspected of employment discrimination. Character matching is just a parameter when people choose partners, careers, etc. It is far from important to determine everything. The development of enterprises ultimately depends on talents. Employers should also provide a fair and reasonable recruitment environment for their own sake, so as to select talents and abilities. For job seekers, if they encounter such a "one vote veto" situation in the employment process, they may as well take the initiative to safeguard their rights and let such employers also be "one vote veto".

   Review: Previous reviews of "classics"


(Editor in charge: Wu Xiaojuan)

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