Put a safety lock on the decompression artifact

2024-05-22 13:53 Source: People's Daily Online
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(Editor in charge: Nian Wei)

Put a safety lock on the decompression artifact

13:53, May 22, 2024     Source: People's Daily Online     Xu Yuhan

In the current fast-paced life, decompression toys are favored by young people because of their unique relaxation properties. Recently, a slow rebound decompression toy called "pinch" has become popular among young people. A reporter found that, following the blind box and hand string, "pinching" started a phenomenon trend, which not only filled the major social platforms with open box videos, but also attracted many individual sellers.

It is no accident that "pinching" decompression toys are popular. This toy is made of silica gel, which has a waxy and squeaky feel. It is more plastic, and looks like all kinds of food. The flexibility and comfort of the hand make people feel relaxed and happy. On the one hand, it makes up for the sense of control that individuals lack in their daily complex work, on the other hand, it also finds an outlet for young people to vent.

Consumer groups actively spread a large number of open box videos and shared posts on various social platforms, inspiring more people to purchase. From this, a large number of businesses peeped into the business opportunities, hoping to take advantage of this trend of "pinching" decompression toys to gain profits. But at the same time, many consumers are worried about whether there is a potential safety hazard due to their special materials and appearance.

"I bought a lot of 'pinches'. The flavor of the essence was very strong. I simply measured it with a formaldehyde instrument and it directly exceeded the standard. These two days, I not only had crazy acne, but also got conjunctivitis. I don't know whether it is related to' pinches'." A blogger said. It is understood that many "pinching" decompression toys are made by individual sellers, so most of them lack production information, quality certificates and other necessary supporting documents. Some people said that "the process of 'pinching' is very uncomfortable after more than three hours." Others said that some PVC packaging bags outside the "pinching" may have quality problems. "I basically get headache after half an hour of pinching". In addition, the reporter also found that there were "pinch" sellers who chose to close their stores due to physical discomfort caused by making "pinch". This means that the quality and safety of these toys cannot be guaranteed, and may even have a negative impact on the health of consumers.

The trend of "pinching" decompression toys is booming, and it is urgent to put safety locks on quality and safety. At present, because there are many sales channels for this kind of products, few well-known manufacturers have entered the market in China, and the production of individual sellers accounts for the majority. For the industry standards and regulations of slow rebound decompression toys, the relevant departments need to clearly specify the material, safety performance, and logo requirements of the products, so as to effectively and targeted supervision to ensure that the products meet human health standards, Standardize market order and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of consumers.

At the same time, e-commerce platforms and social platforms involving sales should also be well audited. Strictly review and supervise the sellers of "pinching" decompression toys. The merchants are required to provide relevant supporting documents and conduct quality inspection on the goods to ensure that the toys sold meet the safety requirements. Consumers should also improve their sense of safety. When purchasing, they should carefully check the seller's qualifications and try to choose a regular store with good reputation and high evaluation.

The "magic" of decompression toys comes from the relaxation that young people pursue. Although decompression toys can alleviate anxiety to a certain extent, they are not the best way. It is better to try yoga, running, skipping and other sports to adjust your state, keep regular work and rest, and reduce stress in a healthy and effective way.

(Editor in charge: Nian Wei)

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