Work with the people to advance reform

2024-05-22 13:49 Source: People's Forum
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(Editor in charge: Nian Wei)

Work with the people to advance reform

13:49, May 22, 2024     Source: People's Forum     Yu Hongjun

Recently, Qiushi magazine published an important article by General Secretary Xi Jinping, "Comprehensively Deepening Reform and Opening up, Continuously Injecting Strong Power into Chinese Modernization". The article emphasizes that one of the most important ways to improve the scientificity of reform decision-making is to widely listen to the opinions and suggestions of the masses, timely summarize the fresh experience created by the masses, fully mobilize the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of the masses to promote reform, pool the wisdom and strength of the overwhelming majority of the people into reform, and work with the people to push forward reform. In the process of comprehensively deepening reform, the majority of party members and cadres should work together with the people, take the people's strength as the source, the people's concern as the guide, and the people's satisfaction as the yardstick to jointly promote the reform cause to achieve greater breakthroughs and show greater achievements.

The people create brilliant history and strive to write a bright future. Looking back at the past, from Xiaogang Village's implementation of the household contract responsibility system, to the emergence of township enterprises in southern Jiangsu, to the booming development of the individual economy... History has proved that the wisdom and strength of reform are contained in the grassroots and the masses. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), our party has respected the dominant position of the people, given play to the initiative of the masses, fully mobilized the enthusiasm of the whole society to support, participate in and promote reform, and composed a song of praise for the concerted efforts of all. To continue writing more "stories of spring" on the new journey, we must always think, work and struggle together with the people, and encourage and encourage the masses to work together. Only in this way can we push forward the reform.

The rule of the country should be consistent and people oriented. The cause of reform is linked to the dream of national rejuvenation at one end and the aspirations of thousands of families at the other. What people care about and expect, reform should focus on and promote. Party members and cadres should take the improvement of people's livelihood as the focus and focus of reform, plan reform ideas and formulate reform measures from the people's position, interests and aspirations, help the masses solve problems, do practical things for the masses, let the masses enjoy fairness, truly change their needs, seek their thoughts, overcome their difficulties, and use hard work to support the "stable happiness" of the people.

People's support is the biggest politics, and public support is the best ruler. The comprehensive deepening of reform starts from the top-level design and reaches the grassroots practice. Whether the measures are feasible and the results are good, the people feel the most profound, direct and true. Only by taking the people's satisfaction as the standard, can the reform win the hearts of the people and conform to the public opinion. This requires us to firmly grasp the value orientation of "people are good, people are evil", pay attention to listening to the voice of the masses, adopting their opinions, and considering their feelings in all areas and the whole process of reform, regard whether the masses recognize it or not, and whether they have benefited from it as the key to evaluate the work, and constantly hand in new reform answers that can stand the test of the people.

There is no end to reform, and the people will always be the backers. On the grand road of Chinese style modernization, let the people truly become the broadest participants, the biggest beneficiaries, and the ultimate judges of the reform cause. If the people really call for and respond to the reform, we will surely gather the overwhelming force of invincibility.

(Editor in charge: Nian Wei)

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