College students should have a sense of boundary when conducting live broadcast

2024-05-22 10:44 Source: Yangcheng Evening News
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(Editor in charge: Nian Wei)

College students should have a sense of boundary when conducting live broadcast

10:44, May 22, 2024     Source: Yangcheng Evening News     Jiang Debin

The live broadcast industry has developed rapidly in recent years. Young students actively embrace the "Internet" to show their talents, promote campus culture, start businesses and help farmers for public welfare through live broadcast. After many days of investigation, the reporter found that on many social platforms, live broadcasts with the words "college students" and "female college students" can often be seen. Some of these live broadcasts are in scenic spots, restaurants, some on campus, and even in dormitories or classrooms. The live broadcast content includes sharing learning experience, displaying talent, helping farmers for public welfare, etc., but there are also some sexual hints, sideswipes, exposure of privacy and other chaos. (May 20, Legal Daily)

College students have a strong interest in new things and like to try and experience. After the strong rise of the live broadcast industry, all walks of life are involved in it. College students are also attracted to enter the live broadcast field, doing anchor promotions, showing talent, sharing campus life, exchanging learning experience, etc. However, college students' live broadcast also exposed some chaos, such as live broadcast anytime, anywhere, exposing others' privacy, vulgarity, ambiguity, etc., which caused adverse effects, and it is necessary to regulate them.

Webcast is an emerging industry with rapid development. It has become a mainstream social and marketing channel, and has spawned new jobs such as anchor, assistant, video editor, product selector, quality controller, etc., providing a large number of jobs. Therefore, many universities also follow the trend by offering live broadcast courses, encouraging students to be anchors and produce videos, so as to enhance their understanding of the live broadcast industry and broaden the scope of employment for graduates. It can be seen that it is reasonable for college students to open a live broadcast. They can not only feel the characteristics of the live broadcast industry through personal experience, but also exercise their personal ability and open a door for future employment.

However, when college students do live broadcast, they cannot act arbitrarily without scruple. They need to abide by laws, platform regulations and campus rules to avoid touching the legal red line and social moral bottom line. University life belongs to collective life. There are many people on campus. If you broadcast live in the dormitory and classroom without permission, you may expose others' privacy and disturb the classroom order. In addition, some college students engage in sideline play and vulgar live broadcast, which are also easy to cross the border and constitute violations of laws and regulations. Those with serious circumstances will face legal punishment.

Live broadcast belongs to attention economy, which seems to have a low threshold. As long as you take a smart phone, you can shoot videos and do live broadcast anytime and anywhere. However, the live broadcast has entered the competition of the Red Sea, and the success rate of online celebrity is extremely low. Ordinary people often need to invest a lot of energy and time to make the number successful. After repeated trial and error, exploration, continuous innovation, and luck, they can become online celebrities. The same is true of college students. They have no great advantage in identity and skills. If they just want to learn experience, they can do it. But if they want to become Internet celebrities, they should be prepared for failure.

You should know that the main task of college students is to learn and reserve strength for future development. It is not advisable to invest too much in live broadcasting. Therefore, when doing live broadcast, college students need to reasonably arrange time, balance learning and live broadcast, so as to avoid picking up sesame seeds and losing watermelon. At the same time, the school should also do a good job in ideological education, draw up live broadcast norms for students, guide college students to self-discipline, consciously abide by laws and rules, and must not blindly pursue traffic and deviate from the development direction.

(Editor in charge: Nian Wei)

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