China Economic Review: Promote the "sweet" upgrade of the marriage industry with high-quality services

2024-05-22 09:05 Source: China Economic Network
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(Editor in charge: Li Yan)

China Economic Review: Promote the "sweet" upgrade of the marriage industry with high-quality services

09:05, May 22, 2024     Source: China Economic Network    

   Core point: Zang Mengya, a commentator on China Economic Network, believes that for many young consumer groups, love, festivals and weddings need a "sense of ceremony". Creating some romantic atmosphere on memorable days is not only a kind of consumption to meet their emotional needs, but also an attitude to life.

Due to the homonym "I love you", "520" and "521", these two dates have gradually evolved into the "Internet Valentine's Day" in the information age, which has spawned another wave of "sweet economy" consumption boom.

As the highlight of the "sweet economy", in recent years, the scale of China's marriage industry has continued to grow and is developing towards diversification. For example, with the help of the popular "national trend" and the new Chinese style trend, some local scenic spots have launched social activities, offline dating activities or traditional marriage culture experience activities. Not long ago, the offline "Wang Po Saying Matchmaking" was an example, which triggered many scenic spots to follow suit. For all regions, relying on their own cultural characteristics and resource endowments, combining the marriage industry with the culture and tourism industry is a new way to release the momentum of development.

The accelerated fermentation of "sweet economy" also brings new business opportunities to the flower gift consumption market. Whether used as holiday gifts or wedding decorations, flowers not only contain happiness and beauty, but also can set off a festive atmosphere, so they are preferred by consumers. Especially on "Valentine's Day", various bouquets and gift boxes are dazzling. Even if the price is several times higher than usual, it cannot stop consumers from buying. Flowers add color to the "sweet economy", reflecting the increasingly personalized and diversified needs of people today, and more reposing the public's yearning for a better life.

The business of "sweet economy" has seen periodic growth during festivals such as "520", "Valentine's Day" and "Qixi Day", so we have to mention the major consumer groups in these festivals. For many young consumers, love, festivals and weddings need a "sense of ceremony". Creating a romantic atmosphere on memorable days is not only a kind of consumption to meet their emotional needs, but also an expression of an attitude to life. Therefore, to promote the "sweet" upgrading of marriage and other related industries, it is necessary to see this "attitude" of young people, accurately grasp the "emotional points" of consumers, and meet the "sweet" needs of consumers with more high-quality and rich "ingredients".

On the whole, at present, all links in the domestic marriage industry are relatively scattered, and most of them are in a state of fighting alone. It is difficult for enterprises to form brand effect and scale effect, which increases some uncertainty in service quality assurance. In order to make "sweetness" not discounted, relevant industries may wish to form competitive advantages and ensure service quality by integrating high-quality resources and enhancing brand added value. Of course, to fully unleash the vitality of "sweet economy", we should also pay more attention to the role of relevant industries in innovating consumption scenarios and promoting the deep integration of culture and tourism.

While the "sweet economy" contains growth potential, the problems it may bring should not be underestimated. For example, when some consumers choose flowers and gifts and prepare for wedding banquet, there are excessive packaging and human comparisons, which to a certain extent causes waste of resources. This requires the relevant departments to give reasonable guidance to these consumption behaviors. "Ritual" consumption is not consumerism, while "small and beautiful" and "simple but not simple" can also reflect romance.

Relevant enterprises should also follow the principle of moderation and order while developing marketing ideas. In the face of the diversified needs of the public, "selling feelings" or "whole flower work" is only the first step to retain consumers. To provide consumers with higher quality and more personalized "sweet" services, all parties need to work together to take the road of high-quality and differentiated development. Only in this way can the "sweet economy" continue to release new vitality and charm. (Zang Mengya, commentator of China Economic Network)

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(Editor in charge: Li Yan)

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