Cure the "ghost balance" first and the market sponsor

2024-05-22 07:37 Source: Legal Daily
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(Editor in charge: Wu Xiaojuan)

Cure the "ghost balance" first and the market sponsor

07:37, May 22, 2024     Source: Legal Daily     Wang Junrong

On May 16, a blogger sent a video saying that when shopping in a seafood market in Lianyungang, Jiangsu Province, he found that the vendor used a "ghost scale". After arguing with the vendor, he asked for the help of the market sponsor. Unexpectedly, the sponsor's staff grabbed his mobile phone and asked to delete the video. Later, the local joint investigation team issued a notice saying that the merchants and market sponsors involved had been subject to administrative punishment according to law.

This "ghost scale" incident not only made consumers angry, but also revealed the serious dereliction of duty of the market sponsor. A small scale carries the integrity of businesses and the trust of consumers. However, when the "ghost balance" is rampant and the balance is unbalanced, the market sponsor has become the "umbrella" of unscrupulous traders, which can not help questioning the position of the market sponsor. As a key force to maintain the market order, the market sponsor should become a "woodpecker", weave a dense management network, regularly check measuring instruments such as merchant electronic scales, improve the accuracy and reliability of measuring instruments, and create a fair, transparent and honest consumption environment for consumers. However, in this incident, they not only failed to deal with violations in a timely manner, but also tried to cover up the truth, which is a serious violation of consumers' rights and interests, and also a serious damage to the market order. This event is not only a warning, but also a reminder that only when the market sponsor truly performs its duties can the market development return to a healthy track and consumers regain confidence.

(Editor in charge: Wu Xiaojuan)

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