Various creatures need you and me to guard together

2024-05-22 07:37 Source: Legal Daily
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(Editor in charge: Wu Xiaojuan)

Various creatures need you and me to guard together

07:37, May 22, 2024     Source: Legal Daily     Linnante

May 22 this year is the 24th International Biodiversity Day, with the theme of "Biodiversity, you and I participate together". In recent days, different forms of thematic publicity activities have been carried out in various regions in combination with the actual situation, to further popularize biodiversity knowledge, enhance public awareness of conservation, and mobilize all sectors of society to participate in biodiversity conservation practices.

Biodiversity is the basis for human survival and development. It makes nature flourish and provides various resources for people's daily production and life. China is one of the countries with the richest biodiversity in the world. In recent years, 90% of terrestrial ecosystem types, 65% of higher plant communities and 74% of national key protected terrestrial wildlife species have been effectively protected by continuously improving policies and regulations, strengthening supervision and law enforcement, continuously strengthening in situ and ex situ protection, and continuously improving the quality of ecological environment, The diversity, stability and sustainability of the ecosystem are constantly increasing.

However, due to over utilization of natural resources, environmental pollution, invasion of alien species, climate change and other factors, biodiversity also faces many threats. Once biodiversity is destroyed, the service functions of ecosystems such as providing food, medicine, fresh water and filtering pollutants will be affected, and people will face multiple problems such as insufficient food, lack of clean water, and declining air quality. A species is a gene pool. If the genes of a species are lost forever before they are developed, the loss is incalculable. Because of this, biodiversity protection is related to the well-being of people's livelihood and the future of our homeland. It requires not only the active action of the government, but also the joint participation of all sectors of society.

In fact, China's environmental protection law, wetland protection law and other laws and regulations have clearly defined the principle of public participation. Several policy documents in the field of biodiversity provide strong support and guidance for the participation of the whole society. In January this year, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment issued the China Biodiversity Conservation Strategy and Action Plan (2023-2030), which takes the national action as one of the priority actions to promote biodiversity conservation, and proposes to prepare and issue the national action plan for biodiversity conservation, expand the channels for national participation, and explore new biodiversity conservation activities suitable for different groups of people, This will further guarantee the public's right to participate, stimulate public enthusiasm and enthusiasm, and actively participate in biodiversity conservation actions.

Biodiversity protection is not just a slogan, but also a practical action. We need to start from the daily trivial matter, refuse to eat wild animals and their products, reduce food waste and excessive consumption, practice green and low-carbon production and lifestyle, do not buy new pets, do not release them at will, and actively report the indiscriminate hunting, deforestation Pollution of the environment and other illegal acts... do what you can to better care for and protect nature, and help to achieve harmonious coexistence between man and nature.

(Editor in charge: Wu Xiaojuan)

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