Empowering rural revitalization with scientific and technological innovation

2024-05-22 07:28 Source: Guangming Daily
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(Editor in charge: Wu Xiaojuan)

Empowering rural revitalization with scientific and technological innovation

07:28, May 22, 2024     Source: Guangming Daily     Dong Haoran

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), General Secretary Xi Jinping has repeatedly stressed the important role of scientific and technological innovation in rural revitalization, stressed that "we should speed up the construction of a powerful agricultural country relying on the dual drive of science and technology and reform", and "the key to agricultural modernization is agricultural science and technology modernization". The strategy of rural revitalization is regarded as the general grasp of the "three rural" work in the new era. Scientific and technological innovation is an important driving force for rural revitalization, which is of great significance for promoting the five major revitalization of rural industry, talent, culture, ecology and organization. Scientific and technological innovation should always be placed in a more prominent position in rural revitalization.

At present, the country's agricultural development is still facing many "choke points". Some agricultural frontier areas are lack of original and leading innovation capabilities, and science and technology is insufficient to enable the modernization of agriculture. It is urgent to improve the supply level of agricultural science and technology, accelerate the formation of new quality productivity, and use science and technology to strengthen the new driving force of agricultural development. First, actively play the important role of emerging information technology in the development of agricultural science and technology. Pay attention to the combination and application of Internet of Things technology, big data analysis and artificial intelligence algorithm in agricultural production. For example, according to the weather change, market demand, disease outbreaks and other data measured by the system, we can help rural areas make real-time decisions on precision fertilization, irrigation, disease and pest control, improve production efficiency, and improve the forward-looking and scientific nature of agricultural production. Widely use the Internet platform to further improve the construction of e-commerce platform, realize efficient connection between producers and consumers, analyze consumer needs and preferences with big data, guide the adjustment of agricultural production structure, and improve the market circulation efficiency of agricultural products and farmers' income. Second, focus on promoting the intelligent development of agricultural machinery and equipment. High quality agricultural science and technology development must rely on intelligent agricultural machinery and equipment. Based on the goal of "overall, high-quality and efficient" agricultural mechanization, focusing on agricultural science and technology needs, especially the R&D and creation of major crops, special economic crops, livestock and poultry aquaculture equipment and key components, we should complement the development weakness of agricultural science and technology, and focus on solving the problem of weak agricultural machinery and equipment, To support and lead modern agricultural production with fewer people and intelligence. Third, accelerate the cooperation between industry, university and research. Promote enterprises, universities, research institutions and rural cooperatives to establish a long-term cooperation mechanism, build an agricultural science and technology industry university research integration platform around the needs of the agricultural industry and technological bottlenecks, and set up industry university research cooperation projects. Encourage interdisciplinary, interdisciplinary and cross industry joint scientific research, shorten the transformation cycle of scientific research achievements from laboratory to field, promote the close combination of theoretical research and industrial application, and produce a batch of original achievements in agricultural science and technology.

Enabling rural governance through science and technology is an important foundation for the modernization of rural governance and an inevitable requirement for comprehensively promoting rural revitalization. In order to strengthen rural governance enabled by science and technology, there are the following points: First, speed up the improvement of rural digital infrastructure construction. Promote the full and comprehensive coverage of rural 5G network and optical fiber communication, realize the effective transmission of data and information between villages and towns, improve the information transmission and collection across regions, and provide a solid hardware foundation for digital rural governance. We should attach importance to the transformation and upgrading of existing infrastructure, gradually establish a complete information infrastructure construction, operation and maintenance mechanism, provide a solid hardware foundation for strengthening digital rural governance, comprehensively meet the digital needs of rural governance modernization, and narrow the digital gap between urban and rural areas. Secondly, strengthen the construction of a multi-party collaborative digital governance model. Focus on building a "one core and multiple" management system, clarify the roles and responsibilities of different subjects such as government, enterprises, research institutes, social organizations and villagers, form a common governance structure led by the government and actively participated by multiple parties, and break the data barrier or information island dilemma. Encourage the participation of enterprises, especially agricultural science and technology enterprises and Internet enterprises, and accelerate the introduction of advanced technology and management experience. Give full play to the role of social organizations and volunteers, such as industry associations, cooperatives, public welfare organizations, etc., to jointly participate in rural governance and community services, make up for the lack of governance strength and methods under the leadership of the government, and achieve coordinated governance and services across levels, regions, systems, departments, and businesses. Finally, improve the construction of rural grass-roots digital autonomy. Science and technology empowerment is an auxiliary means for the modernization of rural governance. To effectively improve the efficiency and level of rural governance, the key is to strengthen the construction of rural grass-roots digital autonomy. We should focus on building a rural digital platform and information sharing system, which can not only realize the functions of village affairs openness, online processing, information query, etc., but also reflect the needs of villagers, solicit their opinions, promote democratic decision-making, and form a good pattern of everyone's participation, governance and sharing, Continuously improve the informatization degree and management efficiency of rural grass-roots autonomy.

Science and technology are the first productive forces, and talent is the first resource. Scientific and technological talents are the basic and strategic support for building a socialist modern country in an all-round way, and also the core driving force for rural revitalization. We should vigorously cultivate a group of rural scientific and technological talents who understand agriculture, love rural areas, and love farmers. First, strengthen the training of rural scientific and technological talents. We should attach importance to exploring the educational resources of rural scientific and technological talents cultivation, rely on local colleges and universities, vocational schools, research institutions, agricultural technology promotion stations, agricultural cooperatives and other resources, form a linkage mechanism with the government and social forces, and constantly improve the curriculum cultivation system that conforms to rural characteristics in combination with rural reality. We should focus on organizing various forms of agricultural science and technology training, such as theoretical teaching, technical training, virtual reality (VR) experience, field schools, science and technology caravans and other forms, and pay attention to the integration of theoretical and practical training. Second, encourage scientific and technological talents to go to the countryside to help. By improving the incentive policy for rural scientific and technological talents, we will reduce the cost of scientific and technological talents going to the countryside and provide them with platform support, project support and honorary awards to display their talents. Encourage scientific and technological talents to participate in rural governance and social services, effectively stimulate the enthusiasm of scientific and technological talents to participate in rural revitalization, improve the social status and professional attractiveness of rural scientific and technological talents, and enhance their sense of belonging and mission to the countryside. Third, strengthen international exchanges and cooperation. On the one hand, learn from international excellent training and management experience, on the other hand, use international platforms such as FAO, the World Bank, and the International Fund for Agricultural Development to promote China's experience in building a rural scientific and technological talent team, adhere to the combination of "going out" and "bringing in", and constantly improve the international level of talent training.

(Author: Dong Haoran, a researcher of the Central Research Center for Socialism with Chinese Characteristics of the Communist Youth League)

(Editor in charge: Wu Xiaojuan)

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