Let school mental health education fall into details

2024-05-22 07:25 Source: China Youth Daily
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(Editor in charge: Wu Xiaojuan)

Let school mental health education fall into details

07:25, May 22, 2024     Source: China Youth Daily     Xiong Bingqi

According to Xinhua News Agency, the CPPCC National Committee recently held a special consultation meeting to discuss politics around "adhering to high-quality population development to support Chinese style modernization". Liu Wenping, member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and chairman of the Women's Federation of Hebei Province, and Wang Fang, member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and chairman of the Women's Federation of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, pointed out in their speech entitled "Improving the family school community collaborative education mechanism to care for the mental health of young people together" that we should adhere to the principle of educating all people, strengthen the training of class directors, teachers and other professional knowledge of mental health, and improve the "mental health"? Find students' abnormal psychological behavior, guide students' psychological problems and guide students to seek help? Ability.

According to relevant data, in 2021, the Ministry of Education requires that each primary and secondary school should be equipped with at least one full-time mental health education teacher, and county-level teaching and research institutions should be equipped with psychological teachers and researchers. Primary and secondary schools should focus on mental health education as a required course in various trainings such as pre job training, business training and daily training for head teachers and teachers of various disciplines.

However, from a practical perspective, some primary and secondary schools in China still lack full-time mental health education teachers. At the same time, some schools do not take psychological education as an important training content in the training of class teachers and subject teachers. There are still problems of formality and formality in the psychological health education of students.

Caring for children's physical and mental health, specifically, includes two levels of content. The first is to build a good educational ecology and tackle the problems affecting students' mental health from the source. If the school does not run the school in a standardized way, it does not adhere to the principle of simultaneous development of five education, advocating knowledge education, and crowding out aesthetic education and labor education What is the time between PE class and students?, The one-sided emphasis on the enrollment rate will increase students' learning burden and affect their physical and mental health.

Not long ago, the Ministry of Education issued a notice specifying that the "Year of Standardized Management" of basic education will be carried out, and a detailed list of 12 negative aspects of standardized management of basic education will be listed. This is called "12 Prohibitions". The implementation of these 12 prohibitions is to curb the utilitarian and short-sighted tendency of basic education to "only educate children, not people", and create a "healthy growth" for every child? Good educational environment.

Second, for students who have mental health problems, we should find out, guide and intervene in a timely manner. We should not be unaware of students' mental problems. Last year, 17 departments including the Ministry of Education jointly issued the Special Action Plan for Comprehensively Strengthening and Improving the Mental Health Work of Students in the New Era (2023-2025), which requires education, health, Internet information, public security and other departments to guide schools and families, mental health medical institutions, maternal and child health care institutions, etc. to establish a sound coordination mechanism, so as to identify serious mental health problems of students as soon as possible, Online and offline monitoring and early warning of students' self injury or personal injury and other dangerous behaviors, unblock the channels for prevention and referral intervention, and timely referral, diagnosis and treatment. This is the guidance, relief and treatment of students with psychological problems. Prevent students' psychological problems from getting worse and extreme behaviors such as hurting others or themselves.

The "outpost" to discover students' psychological problems is the school and family. Considering that each student's family environment is different, parents' education level and parent-child relationship with their children are also different, many parents need school guidance for their children's family education. Objectively speaking, although the head teachers and full-time teachers of primary and secondary schools in China have studied pedagogy and psychology, they may not have the ability to pay attention to and find out students' psychological problems and give appropriate guidance in the specific education and teaching work. Some head teachers and full-time teachers also equate students' psychological problems with ideological problems and moral problems, preaching to students with psychological problems, not only does not ease students' psychological problems, but also aggravates students' cognitive problems and emotional problems. This requires targeted professional training for teachers, so that teachers can be good at observing and analyzing children's words and deeds. In management and teaching, teachers should respect each child's personality traits, and help? Cultivate children to form sound personality.

(Editor in charge: Wu Xiaojuan)

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