Every warmth needs to be treasured

2024-05-22 07:18 Source: People's Daily
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(Editor in charge: Wu Xiaojuan)

Every warmth needs to be treasured

07:18, May 22, 2024     Source: People's Daily     Yu Shi

[Event] On the fast moving train, the boy who took the high-speed railway alone for the first time opened a warm dialogue with the college students sitting next to him. From the curious pursuit of knowledge of "100000 whys" to the true expression of "I'm lucky to meet you", the journey was a little strange and boring, because this encounter was full of surprises and moves. Many netizens also recalled their warm experience in daily life, leaving messages saying that "full of friendship", "belonging to the Chinese people's excellent qualities of gentleness and empathy", "they met their young self".


How can a casual meeting and an ordinary conversation move people's hearts?

The word "true feelings" is indispensable. "Brother, what's the difference between high-speed rail and subway?" "Brother, what do you do when you meet a bear child?"; Strange questions are full of quest for the world. The excitement of taking the high-speed railway for the first time, the tension of stepping on the journey alone, and the longing for a better life filled this naive child with a thirst for knowledge and communication.

There is a kind of luck called "love has never been let down". Expect full questions, in return for unreserved responses. The elder brother next to him sincerely answered his unconstrained questions and took great care of this young soul that "can fit the world". Slowly, they opened their chatterbox, opened their hearts, and made friends with each other. Someone said, "This boy is brave, not timid"; Others said, "This brother is warm, not cold". A beautiful two-way rush is not only the flow of knowledge, but also the handshake of the soul.

On the way, you can always meet a beautiful person by chance. "Always full of hope, yearning for every decision, hoping it is correct and fruitful". Also on the high-speed railway, a girl who went to a different place to prepare for the postgraduate entrance exam wrote her full heart on the clean bag, and the high-speed railway "drifting bottle" was sincerely blessed by follow-up passengers and countless netizens; "I am an ordinary person, I don't know the value of my jump, and whether it is worth so much goodwill". A delivery boy who was rushing to deliver food jumped from the bridge more than 10 meters high to save the woman who fell into the water, and ordinary people were praised and praised for their good deeds. As the saying goes, change your heart for your heart. Countless trickles of water eventually converge into a winding waterway, flowing towards the rolling river of spiritual civilization in the new era.

Life is full of sunshine everywhere. The key is whether we can grow towards the sun and deliver warmth. Maybe they are not heroes who stand up to the heaven and earth, maybe they do not have earth shaking feats, or they lack soul stirring narratives... However, it is in the calm life, in the chance of passing by, that we gain a share of warmth and emotion, and gather into the spiritual force to promote social progress. Good intentions in every move may become an opportunity to warm each other and benefit the society. An ordinary and firm waiting period, a gentle and warm words, a bold and courageous action, which is the reflection of the glimmer of mortals and sparks, is the portrayal of using a beam of light to illuminate another beam of light, using a cloud to surround another cloud, and is the writing of "great comes from ordinary, ordinary makes great". When we see light and love, ordinary life will shine.

Every trust deserves to be treated gently; Every warmth needs to be treasured. In ordinary days, let's live in the sun, keep a sincere heart, give generous responses, and work together to achieve a better self and a better society.

(Editor in charge: Wu Xiaojuan)

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